Carson Selby

The show has me slightly intrigued as to how they will drag this out over 7 more hours, so I guess that's a positive. I'll keep watching. Still, almost every character is an insufferable yuppie, the upper-class family with the sizable house in Brooklyn with two adorable multi-racial children. Ah, yes, my life is so

Episode just didn't resonate with me. It wasn't inherently bad or unwatchable or anything, but it just wasn't funny. I've felt like the show has been slipping dating back to last season, and I fear this season might be a huge disappointment. I still like all the characters, and don't mind spending 21 minutes with them

shut up

gonna go grab a muff with some bluebs

"What's all that clanging?"
"Oh its just a bunch of clanging"

"Those are my tissues, Raymond. If you were planning on sneezing, you should have brought your own."

It's weird as shit if someone does it and theres 4 other open urinals.

is there no one reviewing Family Guy this season?

"Hey Lois, I'm smoking! You can't control dick! I'm a roof baby now!"

FWIW, the age difference between Pine and Sarandon is 34 years. It's 17 years between Costner and Garner (I was a bit shocked to discover that she's 41).

"And then there was one"

No mention of Marnie's awkward attempted hug as Soo Jin (?) walked away? I thought that was a pretty funny/sad moment.

The scene where it cuts to Winston, Bertie, Coach, and Cece just quietly eating soup at a small table had me in tears. The sheer awkwardness of that moment is great. This episode wasn't as knockout funny as some of the others this season, but there was still a few scenes that had me rolling. Nick's facial expressions