I’m fairly certain that anyone who ever read anything by Steinbeck could have guessed this.
I’m fairly certain that anyone who ever read anything by Steinbeck could have guessed this.
Dude, if any of you guys haven’t read Bad Blood yet, go do it. It’s a master class in how to dupe old white guys. The quotes from these guys are hi-larious.
Weird ass hill to die on, girl.
If you want the press to follow you, you have get some racist Pennsylvanians from a diner. Just bring the whole diner with you so reporters can go in and interview them. Reporters can not resist a racist Pennsylvanian in a diner.
Wacky Omarosa, who got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time. She never made it, never will. She begged me for a job, tears in her eyes, I said Ok. People in the White House hated her. She was vicious, but not smart. I would rarely see her but heard....
We are rapidly moving into hyperrealism and Baudrillard’s nightmare predictions concerning the simulacra, where the symbol becomes more desirable than the object it represents. This trend will only accelerate as technology continues to advance, driven in part by this fetishization of the hyperreal - i.e. it’s…
Was he in the East-West bowl?
Your advice is that I should break up with my boyfriend, Foinsapp Sizafitz?
I’m old enough to remember when this was called Ghost Riding.
I have an ADHD son and between watching Mr Rogers and Bob Ross, he mellows out and learns some coping skills.
OK, there’s a lot going on (and going wrong) in what you wrote, so I’m only going to be able to address one small part of it because I just don’t have the time...
My father took his own life just two weeks before this podcast was released. When I started listening I had no idea that a similar situation was going to happen in the story - in fact, I had been looking forward to distract myself. I was pretty triggered by the whole thing and initally felt like it was exploitative.…
Many of the most successful, self-possessed, vibrant, independent women in my life struggle mightily with depression and anxiety, and go between wanting to put it all out there — listen, if I can live through this, so can you — and wanting to keep it all hidden, because showing weakness will ruin her capacity to be a…
I went to college with a guy who got married when he was 21. They met in college, but his wife worked odd jobs that didn’t make much money, while he had a career in engineering. He used to bitch constantly about how she had low wage retail jobs and how he felt burdened paying for everything, including her large…