Carson McCrullers

This is interesting. I’ve been waiting 6 mos. to see someone say something like this. Just didn’t expect it to be Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ):

Why do I imagine Jared Kushner saying this a la some weird white people wasp-y party with white wine spritzers and sweaters jauntly tied around their shoulders. Him on some couch surrounded by a bunch of blonde, white interns, laughing over how too disorganized they were too collude with Russia.

And she got her ass handed to her by J.K. Rowling earlier this week.

He’s also previously said his favorite band is Rage Against the Machine without any sense of irony that he is in fact the machine we are raging against.


I suspect Mooch has never actually read that part of the Bible,

It’s okay to think less of someone or criticize them for their voting choices. Many people here blame Trump voters, after all. I also blame Stein voters, because while some third party candidates are good options, Stein was a cross between a vanity candidate and a placeholder one.

Uh, not the same at all?

Haha, true. When I saw it today I assumed it was from a parody account. Nope.

This tweet from Mooch is so patronizing I actually thought it was a fake tweet from Masshole James.

She’s vile. I think the cherry on my rage sundae was this tweet from the Mooch, which roughly translates to “honey, you’re so homely I’ll personally pay for your glam squad if we are putting you in front of the cameras again”:

That’s impressive! I wanna be a suppressive person (pro tip- if you have a pretty dead twitter account, tweet something nasty about Scientology and hashtag it appropriately, because that brings people out of the woodwork).

This was my exact reaction. Then I had to get something to roll my eyes back to the front of my head.

I’ve only managed to get blocked by a pairs figure skater after I tweeted congrats to his opponents.

Oh, please. Trump has been a starfucker his whole life, if he has any memory left he absolutely knows who she is. He can’t remember those people in France he met a week ago, but female models? In the vault.

So all I have to do is post this?

Good idea. Though, I will admit it is humorous to see this user using the same old tropes. A woman disagreeing with my opinion?? She MUST be over weight and not able to bare children.

Bahahahahaha...see? You are bitter as hell. Try not to get so emotional sweetie. Deep breaths. Also, you assume any person that challenges you is fat and nearing “stagnation of fertility”? Guess again snowflake.

Oh, so now it’s “LOVE.” Ah, I see.

here are people that purposefully take advantage of older people, offering them terrible deals on refinancing their houses....These things aren’t technically illegal, but they are wrong.