Carson McCrullers

...just resurfaced some v embarrassing memories. Gonna be cringing on behalf of 19-year old me for the rest of the night.

This is a terrible idea, but I can confirm that, having slept (okay, passed out) in their foundation several times, that shit will still look great in the morning.

Smart people are smart enough to know when they’re in over their head and should remain quiet.

Is it possible that Ted Cruz is not a great constitutional scholar or master debater...?

Boy, first we find out Paul Ryan isn’t a policy expert and now this. My faith in the party of Lincoln is starting to waver, guys...

I believe Pris said it best in 2019 when she said:

While I wholeheartedly agree that we SHOULD have universal single payer healthcare, I just cannot get on any ACA repeal bandwagon.

With that I have to respectfully disagree. All my subsequent pregnancies were screened knowing it would end in abortion if the genetic defect presented again. No one should have had to suffer like that. You think my daughters life had purpose. I don’t. Her life was needless suffering.

You are a troll because you already know that most abortions are not due to stupidity. I’m answering you because I want people to know what to say to someone who is sincerely anti-choice. That is, the new testament in christianity has never condoned judging anyone for anything, including murder. And the old

I’m male as well and I do think it starts at home, probably with the relationship between their parents. My mother was never subordinate and never really much of a homemaker type. Consequently, I did my own laundry and dishes from a very young age.  And then on the other side, for whatever reason, my dad never

I suppose if you’re indoctrinated into thinking women are responsible for original sin, then it’s not a leap to think that all women are inherently evil and shouldn’t be left to make their own decisions.

I feel like it gets programmed from a young age. We need to encourage boys to have female friends before puberty so the idea doesn’t become female friends=potential sex partners.

Not abused, but adopted. My birth mom would have had a pre Roe V Wade abortion if she had not been that far along when she finally told her parents. I have had a great life, and am still pro choice. Some people who are anti choice ask how can I think like that if I’m so happy with my life. I always say, how would I

This. I know a lot of dudes that have no close female friends and plenty of others that have a few but only because they’re waiting for their turn for sex essentially. Much like Mike Pence, most of these dudes literally cannot see themselves as having anything in common with females. They can’t identify and when you

We’re in this shitstorm together!

At least now we know what would have happened had Bilbo not given the Ring to Frodo.

There’s a lot of pieces talking about how Trump is struggling in negotiations because negotiations in the context of government policies is different than negotiations in business.

Yeah, I’m sure you’re going to “take care” of pre-existing conditions so that soon, my insurance company won’t cover mine anymore, you fucking nightmare.

I’m a compassionate person. I’m very heartbroken over her passing, especially since it was cancer.

Surely the dildo fairy can find him a big veiny dong to gargle?

I used to do a lot of drugs. I still do, but I used to also.