Carson McCrullers

Fellow former EP resident here to echo this sentiment EXACTLY. My go-to was the donut shop on Echo Park Ave that I’m pretty sure was just named “Donuts Ice Cream Hot Dogs Cigarettes” (that’s how you know it’s good)

Came here to fondly reminisce about the Hairpin! One of the all-time greats.

Nope, that’s LaLaine, who played Lizzie’s best friend Miranda on the show (you’d be forgiven for not recognizing her, though, I’m pretty sure this was all she was in)

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Lisa Bloom (I wish I had a more eloquent insult, but rage makes me dumber)

“statement man-repellers in the hygge domicile” is my new favorite phrase, and a perfect description of my evening/weekend aesthetic (one of these brands should hire you for digital ad copywriting!)

You’re required to have a driver’s side mirror in California; you can get away with no mirror on the passenger side (but this weird thing had neither)

The traffic light was absolutely intended for exiting this parking lot, as was the “right turn only” sign (that Musk hit on his way to turning left across traffic lanes.)

is this satire? or do you work in the Tesla showroom in Santa Monica desperately hoping Elon will notice you someday?

It’s like they watched Grease, loved the Hand Jive, and then made it worse.

This really took me back. Did you also own their Rap Rock N Soul VHS tape? My favorite part was Toby Mac explaining that Michael was chocolate, Kevin was vanilla, but he was SWIRL (because he “had that chocolate down deep in his soul”)

Should we infer from context that this is what you think EW does? Or all democrats except Bernie & the Squad? Either way, seems a bit unfair.

...but why? Wouldn’t a demonstrated ability to adapt & evolve on important issues be a good thing in a President? Seems like a positive personality trait.

I will NEVER forget that. I sat there thinking, “wow, he really...hates women,” and surprise surprise, he really does.

The Carters are a treasure. 

I don’t disagree with you that JB is deserving of some pity, and I wouldn’t consider this a “cancellable” offense, but I feel a *lot* more empathy for the millions of people in America dealing with fertility issues or the loss of a pregnancy (it’s not a tragedy competition, but if it were? JB probably wouldn’t win).

Fake pregnancy is a really shitty April Fool’s joke; that facial hair, on the other hand, is a GREAT ONE.

If you were a music critic who was writiong a think piece about why a musician’s career suddenly tanked and he abruptly retired after being given a major award and you tried to say “he quit because he was TOO POPULAR and it’s my fault because i MADE HIM THAT WAY!” then you’d be a shitty journalist. Just like this guy

“Perhaps his enthusiasm is being mistaken for spotlight-hogging”’s not an either/or. Both are evil, but we’re talking specifically about this one right now. 

This is a very interesting perspective! In my experience, the primary difference was that ASU students didn’t get in to USC (I grew up around rich private school kids in Southern California, so YMMV)