Carson McCrullers

I'm crying. This really does read like the adjective-heavy writing in my early HS notebooks. Really overwrought stuff.

Oh my god. As a writer of internet copy (which is frequently cheesy/embarrassing because it has to be), this made me cringe HARD. You can't be a Belieber in someone whose last name isn't Bieber (and you definitely can't be a believer "of" something)

I totally know what you mean! I've also been both skinny and heavier, and there was something almost comforting about being a bigger girl. I never had the reverse experience of receiving "negative" attention from strange dudes because I was heavy — creepy eyes on the street just glossed right over me like I was

EDIT - wait, nevermind, figured out the syntax there.

I'm in the process of losing weight, and as I've gotten smaller I've noticed the frequency with which I get hollered at has increased (which SOMEHOW does not motivate me to go to the gym)

Or an Austin. I have met so many d-bag club dudes named Austin.

You definitely have a point that it's hard to know what is considered offensive in religions that aren't your own, but after the Ganesh sock snafu, UO should have maybe remembered the whole "don't put this particular deity by your feet" rule, right?

My (conservative Christian) mother was SUPER annoyed by those "Jesus is my Homeboy" shirts that dummies were sportin' for a while

In my experience, Urban Outfitters was a real shitty place to work for any human, lgbt or otherwise. Pay is shit, managers are super dumb but surprisingly arrogant, and they'll pretty much never respect any conflicts you have when they make the schedule (like being a full-time college student)

I worked at Urban in 2007, too! Man that place was a piece of shit. Urban Outfitters department managers are just a special kind of unbearable.

I don't follow your logic. By Tumblr's rules, it's still nudity/porn, so there's no reason they should be making a distinction between this and other types of porn when it comes to what gets deleted and what doesn't.

Oh bullshit, dude. Does the story say somewhere that every single one of these subjects is male? A lot of gas station bathrooms are unisex (since they're single-occupancy)

But they police other things ALL the time — especially porn/nudity that they consider offensive (I guess creepy bathroom pics that people don't know they're in isn't as offensive as a porn gif where both actors were paid for their time)

"Not everything is for you, nor does it need to be" — making a large sign that says this so I can show it to every terrible dude with whom I interact today.

He has a regular show (with an orchestra!) at the Rockwell in LA and by all accounts it's everything you've ever wanted (assuming you share my deep and abiding love for JG). My friend went a couple of months ago and took like 4 pictures with him — we are obviously planning a ladies night for his next performance, and

Oh the UK has been worshiping at the altar of Cheap Fabric Swatches for many a year now — check out Primark and River Island

Oh they're definitely on their way back in. The "vintage" shop in my hipstery section of LA has 2 big racks full of 'em

The original is perfect for the mere fact that it starred Julie Andrews, the world's most flawless lady/voice!

Every time I think of Carrie Underwood as Maria. (at least she didn't get nominated for her painful performance)

ME TOO. My face looked as terrified as hers in this picture