Right! Like Tom and Katie, lest we forget.
Right! Like Tom and Katie, lest we forget.
How did Kim find time to make all that homemade pasta? Wow, that woman can do it all!
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Like Kate Hudson in "Almost Famous."
Haha! Meg Ryan was the first person who came to mind. I'm thinking Daryl Hannah, Jeanne Trippelhorn, Greta Scacchi, Diane Lane. All women who I wish had had bigger careers.
I've seen it and I stand by my opinion. I think I've seen all her movies. (Not on purpose! I just see everything.)
What do you mean, "maybe"? EVERYBODY loves Groundhog Day!
Exhibit A: That Aniston person. She and Barrymore really are no-talents.
I watch Groundhog Day every year, and I spend about a week every February trashing Andie McDowell. She is the worst and is the one weak link in an otherwise perfect movie.
My dad was the same way and it gave me terrible anxiety about driving, anxiety that still persists. I'm 45 and last year was the first time I attempted driving on 95. Still haven't tried the turnpike. And I've lived in the tristate area most of my adult life! My brother is 34 and still has not tried driving.
Remember when she got the Prada boots? That was a good pic.
She was nominated but did not win. (First Oscar ceremony I ever watched!)
People have called her a "woman of color" before? On what basis? Her taste in men?
Danbury Fair Mall has the brass knuckle phone case for $24. Suddenly I regret not buying it. (My son begged for it, so I said 'no' on principle.)
Wow, I thought I was obsessed with celebrity gossip. This is psychotic.
So many of these "fashion" bloggers should really be called SHOPPING bloggers anyway. They have no insight regarding fashion; it's all "pop of color" this and "classic with a twist" that. Mindless acquisition, hauls, me me me. Pink Peonies, I'm looking at you. (But there are so many others.)
Am I the only person who leaves my ring on ALL THE TIME other than to clean it (which at this point I hardly ever think to do - like maybe once a month)?
I bought Old Spice for all the men in my life (brothers, dad, husband) when Bruce Campbell was in the ads.
I had to do that. My son was 24 lbs on his first birthday. (He's actually pretty slender, just really freaking long.) I remember being a passenger on the FDR and the driver in the next car rolling down the window and screaming at me about it. MYOB you crank.
The Pokemon joke is a 30 Rock ripoff. The writers should know better — lazy, lazy.
I appreciate all of the thoughtful, not-too-technical replies.