OK, don't know too much about photography here, but if we've generally migrated to digital photography and therefore no longer use Shirley cards — what's the explanation?
OK, don't know too much about photography here, but if we've generally migrated to digital photography and therefore no longer use Shirley cards — what's the explanation?
Five years ago this would have been legit criticism. I think she's proved herself at this point, both critically and commercially. Good for her.
What's the doctor equivalent of disbarring a lawyer? Because that needs to happen to anyone who says, even though she knows there's no actual proof that the MMR vaccine causes autism, allergies or other diseases, "anecdotally," she's seen otherwise. Moron.
That's pretty much all that needs to be said.
I dislike all pretentious people, regardless of gender.
So what you're saying is we're all just jealous? The hell with that. I dislike most of the women on this list for the same reason — they're insufferable, uneducated phonies — and I have never dreamed of having their lives. Frankly, mine is better.
Indeed she did. http://radaronline.com/photos/gwyneth…
Does any of those 7 have a line of cheap clothes at Sears? No? Then they're more deserving.
Believe what you want to believe, but if you insist that creationism be given consideration, you forfeit the right to use the honorific "Dr."
Wax or laser.
I thought Nair *didn't* break down follicles? That it just snaps the hair at the surface of the skin? And that's why it grows back?
4.- infinity: Kennedy (was that the name?) and all the other junior slayers who were called up at the end.
Can anyone ID those sunglasses? Love them.
Mea Chupa, Mea Maxima Chupa.
Excuse me, but they were Spice Girls Chupa Chups, not Spice Girls brand lollipops.
My $.02 (not that you asked for it) — talk to a genetics counselor. I do not have the BRCA gene but based on my family history two different doctors (i.e., two different statistical models) both arrived at a 23% lifetime risk for me — more than double the average. As a result, I am a year into a five-year Tamoxifen…
Well, I am old, but to me this is no different from the nighttime shows that enchanted me as a teen — Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon Crest. Everything is over the top and implausible, everyone is beautiful (except the one woman, sorry), the clothes are great — it's a delight.
AKA the former almost Mrs. Tom Cruise. Nazanin Boniadi.
Steadfast rule: bring a friend and have a threesome. Always.