
Bernie-or-Busters desperately want a candidate who will focus on economic equality over identity politics because blaming America’s social issues on Big Money allows them to shrug off the responsibility that they might partially be responsible- or at least benefiting from- a broken system.

How can a game that no one has played have fans?

Ok, so I’m only through one act, but does Cursed Child feel a bit... fan fiction-y to anyone?

At this point, Overwatch Cosplayers are just running up the score.

OooooWeeeee, I love white guys pretending Martin Luther King would be on their side.

The same thing happened with my dad during the last attack. I found out during class and realized no one knew about it yet.

People who decry the “political class” and the “elites” do realize that Jefferson wrote countless pieces on how the average person isn’t really qualified to make political decisions? (A very excellent instinct on his part, as it turns out)

Translation: “This jackass is going to drag this out for another month, so let me try and slap some sense into him publicly.”

To quote Hamilton: Sit down, Bernie.

You know, the term “burn in hell” gets thrown around a lot these days...

With all due respect, I simply don’t believe Nintendo here, given their ‘delicate’ handling of the Alison Rapp situtation...

Oh.... oh my heart...

People want to live to see history. Regardless of how it happens.

I’ve got two words for you: Mellow out, man.

For all the “Media is against Bernie” talks, the only one this announcement helps is him. Hillary’s supports could get complacent now and Bernie could squeak a few victories in.

Nah, I was more feeling “Oh God, the Lebron haters are going to have a looooooooooooot of ammo.”

There are that many morons.

You strike me as someone incredibly interested in “ethics in journalism.”

Good to know they’ve been working on this instead of Beyond Good and Evil 2 and this is the first we’ve seen of it in literally a year (still bitter about last years bait and switch...)