John Williams

Beyonce and Jay have the resources to have someone take this dude out, burn the body and no one would EVER KNOW (or care) what happened to him.

Neighbors are dropping some interesting insight on Facebook. The cop knew Jean. As a matter of fact, some neighbors believe they dated. The doors have electronic locks. Neighbors heard her screaming “Open up the door, goddammit!” while she banged on the door. She lives alone. If she thought she was trying to get in to

If Beyonce wanted to...let’s just say that Zimmerman can get unpersoned real quick.

You’re too close! It’s not safe! My answer to this is to brake check you and make shit even MORE unsafe for Me, you and everyone else behind us.

But you do you..

And you need to calm the entire fuck down, guy.

Maybe the good State of Mississippi could claim eminent domain and preserve this as a monument to the horrific suffering of the Tills and the birth of The Civil Rights Movement?

I am SHOCKED a school in Cobb County might be filled to the brim with racist peckerheads

There are times when ‘eye for an eye’ seems pretty fucking legit...

Nope. Just providing a bit of context. That’s all.

To put things in perspective, if this case involved a black sex offender urinating on a white child, the prosecutors would continue to move heaven and earth to nail that guy on some charge, even if it’s something as trivial as a minor probation violation. He’ll be in jail regardless of his innocence or guilt.

“Tear that tail up”

A thing wildly uncommon in the white community 

each car being approximately 5-10% black widow spiders

A cop, a minister, and a klansman go into a bar. He orders a drink.

tl;dr It would seem so, yes.

In 2013, I bought a 97 GTS for $29,995 (4 bucks cheaper!). I had test drove a buddy’s 98 and was super cautious from all I heard about how Vipers like to try and kill you if you are at the slightest of underestimating them. Once I got mine, it didn’t seem so bad, I even tracked it on COTA (spinning out a few times

Lincoln’s been pretty good about building cars that look basically spot on compared to the concepts lately, obviously minus the Navigator concept’s wacky doors. The Aviator on the other hand looks totally production ready.

Fancy Kristen does not bother with silly things like “nationality”. Borders are for the poor. 

It’s not.   This is an ad masquerading as an article.  

You're on this website, you low IQ shithead.