John Williams

Cops now interpret respect as bowing and scraping. Too much talking about what heroes they all are. They believe it and expect to be treated like little gods. I bet there were no penalties for their perjury, were there? (And I’m an old, very white woman.)

I hate to be that guy, but if he didn’t assault his gf and run from the cops they wouldn’t have “needed” to deploy spike strips in a high-speed chase. I understand your point but have yet to hear anyone give a decent solution to “don’t chase criminals”. If they were to let him go and he then returns and kills the

*Insert joke about BMW drivers only putting it in for 3 minutes and being done*

Somewhat off-topic, but I wasn’t able to find a tangential article for my request: Would The Root be willing, from time to time, run more coverage of the actions of the Bolsonaro government in Brazil? Afro-Brazilians deal with a lot of racism, but now with this far-right head, this is very likely to get far worse.


Don’t be a fucking dumbass.

This is more of a rundown of things Jill Hopkins hates rather than a discussion of Jay-Z’s contribution to a song.

Black people should really learn to grow thicker skin.

Something is foul here and we don’t have a DoJ willing to figure out what. God forgive us all and I mourn for them.

Pretty sure some racist asshole has photoshopped Michelle Obama’s head onto that pic.

Your company held off on a needed capital investment for 10 years and finally pulled the trigger once interest rates got back to historically normal rates because of tax cuts? Your employer needs to hire better management.

Looks good in a dramatic way. But I still think the current Mazda 3 looks better. More balanced.

Federal prison doesn’t have parole and time off for good behavior is capped at like 50 days per year served. So he’s not getting out particularly early unless Trump pardons him. 

The secret message these cops are sending is “no black people should have guns, period”.  ...and they keep getting away with it.

How many millions of Americans are unable to go to the doctor when they or their dependents are sick because they can’t afford it or will be fired for taking time off work?

How many millions of Americans are unable to get a loan to buy a house or a car or are unable to get a decent job because their credit rating was destroyed by overwhelming medical expenses?

Or maybe, I don’t know, not insult a stranger in the first place and leave them in peace. Because that mob of people might also be armed. Fuck that guy and fuck you for defending him.