John Williams

Mike Cernovich could have got Vic Berger killed and his account stayed up. But yeah a bunch of internet people texting Stephen Miller the pig poop balls picture is definitely worse.

“Have some respect for the office if not the man!”

another review, from one of my teenagers:

I heard a saying in Germany about this... long lines of cars waiting to pass a slow poke are called “road snakes.”

Just going slower than surrounding traffic is causing a hazard. Many people in the left lane aren’t even going the speed limit. The problem is not speeding but speed differential. The problems of tailgating or road rage are a different hazard that can be a confounding problem but are not limited to the left lane.

the hazard is caused by driving in a lane meant for passing.

Summer school when you flunked the GED exam.

Well since my comment either got erased by kinja or dismissed by the fascist asshole, I’ll say it again here.

Laying the smackdown on a couple of fools?

Neither one of these grey trolls has ever met a black person before.
Here’s a tip: Don’t use a blog written by an undergraduate psychology major that is devoid of any valid research methodology as evidence that we blacks are only interested in sports and music (Hmm, I wonder if you got that idea from only seeing us on

As someone who works in the business and has had cars stolen and cars stripped on the lot I can tell you that kind of shit happens because cops are worthless and won’t do anything to stop it. I’ve never had cops do anything to recover to recover stolen property IF they even show up to take a report.

This issue could clearly only be worked out in court. Abramovitz sued Lee for $300,000 and won. The judge tacked on an extra $50,000 for “her despicable interference in Mr. Abramovitz’s career.”

As long as you call the motorcycle Monkey, rather than you coworker, it’s all good.

You sound like snowflake garbage who is annoyed that bigots are being identified and criticized.

If they didn’t want us to be part of their country, they should have picked their own fucking cotton.

You seem to be under the impression that the police are your friend and they have your best interests at heart. They don’t. It’s kind of the opposite.

“Matthew” referring to the victim as “some nigger.”

I’m convinced this is a mental illness, nursed over thousands of years by general psychosis and a need to claim and reinforce whatever vestiges of superiority exist. The people who do this and think this way are just complete psychos.

I am a black man actually...The article is not about race relations, or whatever else nonsense distractions people like to post.

My favorite truck-related behavior is when drivers are intimidated/afraid to pass them, creating a huge pack of impatient drivers behind the truck who start tailgating and cutting lanes. A big chain-reaction accident just begging to happen. Then when these same people get up the nerve to actually try and pass, as soon