That grille doesn’t look good, either. Makes the whole car look a decade older than it actually is.
That grille doesn’t look good, either. Makes the whole car look a decade older than it actually is.
You know what you do on the level of a sovereign state? You detain the motherfucker and send him packing back to where he came from (or at least somewhere fucking else). You don’t murder him. And certainly, if the dude does end up murdered, you don’t just write it up as “self-defense” and call it a day.
Good guys with guns drop them when cops come around, put their hands up,and ID themselves as citizens.
She wouldn’t be saying any of this if the roles were reversed. In fact, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from calling him a “thug”.
Why press gang big guys into this situation? There’s plenty of skinny but scary dudes who think having booty is like having food and water.
I think the fact that no one decided to help “decorate” this kid’s “costume” with a helping of condiments, paints, greases and other stain causing materials was the real tragedy here. Kid should have painted his hands black so he could at least claim it was just a rather elaborate “Blazing Saddles” gag.
GM fucked up the new full-sizes, badly. They’re too big, drink too much, and cost too much (starts at $34k for a double cab WORK TRUCK, which is the cheapest configuration). It’s almost as if they are trying to create a larger difference to push people into midsizers.
And yet, the chase stopped a violent criminal.
The Root vehemently hates cops.
The power comes from an all-aluminum engine that’s got quite a bit of modern tech bolted to it—things like an electric water pump instead of a crank pulley-driven one, an electric coolant control valve instead of a wax-element thermostat, a sliding camshaft that can vary cam profiles and even cut off two cylinders…
You seem to be a little obsessed over The Root, buddy.
Not sure what The Root has to do with this, but there are better ways to apprehend criminals without resorting to reckless behavior.
This deserves all the likes in the world and then some.
“Gawker”? What’s that?
I rented a Fusion Hybrid a couple of years back and the power delivery didn’t seem that deficient. The Corolla I rented a few weeks ago, on the other hand....
“Fucking hideous” is pretty strong, but to each his/her own. The period-correct GT taillamps are perfect in their own “This is the 80s” kind of way. Swapping them out for SVO/Cobra covers kinda kills the vibe.
Shoulda stuck with the Eminem cosplay.
Because you sure as hell don’t, sunshine.
I surmise he’s a teenaged edgelord, hence the limited insult vocabulary and the need to toss out piping hot takes that make him look more petulant with each attempt.