John Williams

“If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.” - J. Paul Getty

Precisely. Being poor is a deliberate choice and not something that can happen to you through circumstances outside of your control...

Ironically, Alabama’s been dealing with a stink bug invasion of the marmorated kind.

I don’t think this guy likes footballs. Maybe try something else?

Again, I’m all ears if you have some examples of people who killed a bunch of people in the name of centrist, thoughtful discourse.

Go eat a corn dog.

Is it possible to put out a restraining order against the guy, because that asshole shouldn’t come within 1000 feet of Chancellor or grandma.

Insert The Price is Right losing horn here.

Here’s one: Adopt Japan’s gun laws.

In that case, you wouldn’t have cars at all, let alone humans riding on horseback. Instead, we’d evolve into ground-crawlers who’d literally grope our way wherever we needed to go, which wouldn’t be far.

You think they really care? Just look at their usernames. Trolls out for a stroll.

Since he was fired and re-hired, how does that affect his pay rate and retirement benefits? Sounds like a great way to screw someone by starting them back off at square one after years of employment.

Someone who’s more concerned with having his bills paid and food on the table. Sure, he could have said “no fucking way” to a re-hiring and opted for a wrongful termination lawsuit, but chances are that case will surely outlast his unemployment benefits (if he’s eligible). I also imagine the Jackson job market to be

Trump’s next move: bring two-stroke diesels back.

No offense, but you sound as much of a putz as Bigger Putz. Give it a rest.

The middle-aged male fantasy of fucking someone who’d they’d never, in a million years, have the opportunity to get within miles of.

Just checked the listing at the dealership’s actual website. There’s a 2002 Lexus LS430 for the same price. Now THAT’s a better deal than the Phaeton.

Look carefully. They’re on the BACK of engine. Have fun servicing that.

Could it be because people with donks are generally obnoxious.

Either that or Emperor Palpatine underwent a sex change in a deleted scene of Star Wars.