The FTO seems to be in the same league as the Eclipse. I wonder if anyone ever drove the two back-to-back - that’d be an interesting experience.
The FTO seems to be in the same league as the Eclipse. I wonder if anyone ever drove the two back-to-back - that’d be an interesting experience.
Am I the only one who feels like she should’ve “lost it” and beat the dog shit outta that bitch?
“Finally did it yo girl got rid of her roommate!! After 1 1/2 month of spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotions, rubbing used tampons [on] her backpack, putting her toothbrush places where the sun doesn’t shine and so much more I can finally say goodbye Jamaican Barbie,” Brochu wrote in the…
The Ultimate Money Shift?
Yeah, that hardtop is definitely not the most attractive aspect of the Z8.
If you’re a Japanese billionaire who’s looking for a discrete way to move about, a Bentley is not going to be in your wheelhouse.
At least she was charged with a misdemeanor instead of a being saddled with a felony. That’s about the only good thing I can pull out of this.
Seeing the flood cars didn’t make me cry because I knew they could be saved. Well....most of them anyway.
My thoughts exactly. Too much money for something so slapdash in execution.
Yep. $15k sounds reasonable. $30k? No way.
Well. At least now I know what to ask Santa for this Christmas.
Don’t get me wrong, I hate racist suppression. But, if we keep sensationalizing this and making it a crutch, we may never get to a certain level of fair Americanism.
Talk about missing the point.
You know what I wouldn’t mind seeing? A naked Gold Wing, straight from the factory.
Bringing a knife to a gunfight. Bold.
The cars also had a floaty, disorienting feel that made them feel sloppier than they had any right to be. Even the supercars had that sloppy feel. The on-foot physics were equally as disorienting.
Baby troll’s first comment, judging by your posting history (or lack thereof). Also, that user name looks familiar, but I’m guessing you got yourself shadowbanned at one point so you had to re-register with another account.
Speaking of nerves struck....
Oh yeah, without the limiter the E60 M5 will do an honest 205 mph.