
Et tu fais, crawfish?


I’m hoping for a HUD.

Yamaha-designed Ford SHO V6.

Jason Pierre Paw

The Asterion. It looks refined for a modern Lamborghini, and it’s a hybrid.

I’ve had the best results with newspaper and Windex on my car, believe it or not.

Borrowing this video to educate others. Thank you.

Will it come with a transmission that grenades with every bump?

Also, it's difficult to build a profitable program when the BoT undercuts your every move (not just in football). Hire Jimbo Fisher? Nah, lets hire Paul's buddy. Expand the Nursing school? No way, Tuscaloosa has one despite not being near any well accredited hospital. The BoT wants to turn UAB into a medical branch

Georgia resident, devout UGA hater. The Dawg schadenfreude is fantastic around these parts. Thank you, Ramblin' Wreck.

I see your two-tone and raise you a three-tone (including...that's right...Brown). With the wheels does that count as four-tone? The wheel color is called Vermillion, so not technically Orange but we'll count it. That's 3 out of 10 on one car. Not bad Henry Ford.

Put Lewis Hamilton in my car's computer!

Ah yes, the "Panigale" incident. The guy was corrected at least twice, but Panigale it is

oh, yes

Aw, you got me. This is all part of our big gay agenda to build a gay Jalopnik space station in geosynchronous orbit around earth that will house the largest, most powerful Gaydar Emitter ever conceived by (gay) mankind.

You missed the Pratt KS hot and cold water towers

not pissing back... My experience is dealing with personal injury lawsuits in the (state) civil courts so I'm not familiar with the Federal Rules of Evidence which you obviously are. Do these rules pertain to cases where products are have been deemed in violation of Federal law?