I personally liked his inflection of "A rocket, MAN!" CLASSIC!
I personally liked his inflection of "A rocket, MAN!" CLASSIC!
Bon Jovi only had a couple good songs anyway if you want to really think about it. Relinquishing him to less revenue by today's purchasing methods... Of course he doesn't like it...
Funny, I was never an AOL'er back in the day of 9600bps. I have never had an @aol.com email address. I only collected the millions of floppy discs & CDs that would show up in the mail. Yes, floppy discs!
Hehe, I couldn't help it. Although I did like the vocals. Must be the original version.
Please send link to that image... EPIC!
Tablet of the Future For Those Who Are "REQUIRED To Have a Higher Cognitive Load"
One day when I get noticed by the Star-Sneeches
1080p HD content, 60FPS UI animations, Javascript rendering in Safari should be improved with the added Ghz/RAM and Nitro Engine. However, my bets are 512MB with better memory management to come in iOS5.
I never said they need to "catch up" with their competitors per se. I wanted to point out that even though iOS has some shortcomings for the technically advanced users like Giz readers, Apple is still far ahead of its competitors on the whole. And that those "shortcomings" will most likely be addressed in iOS5.
1GHz vs 1.2Ghz? RAM? Sure, maybe. Look I like specs as much as the next guy, but hands on, I'm sure it will run circles around any Tegra or Snapdragon based tablet. Specs are just one piece of the puzzle. The trifecta right now that really has hit critical mass is: Size/Weight, Speed:Battery Life ratio, and User…
Clearly this is exactly what Apple needed to release. No other device has anything more, really. And don't be telling me RAM this or Retina that. Whatever amount it has 512MB or 1GBis is clearly not going to matter. And honestly, let's be realistic, a Retina display will be a pro option in the next version, if…
The new Wilhelm Scream for snow sports enthusiasts.
What are your thoughts on the iPad2/iPhone5 being capable of higher throughput. I have been trying to figure our what the possibilities of Apple increasing that pipe on their iDevices, but I don't quite understand how they have engineered the flash storage interface. What is the speed limits of flash? Isn't the…
Shouldn't this have read "REPUBLISHED" not "APPLE"
I want it to wrap around the sides as well. I have been looking for a very slim 100% leather cover that would be reminiscent of a leather notebook with the leather strap that wraps around. No bulk, just a skin.
I can see it all now... surf commentator, "Kelly Slater wins by a fraction of a gyroscope rotation pulling 1.5G's in that last rip up the curl!". Scoring surf contests will never be the same :(
First off, let me say I find this topic VERY interesting and appreciate your opinion. I am agnostic to platform and have a more vested interest in the model that can bring more success to a subscription heavy app I am developing.