
(apps vs. in-app) Fair enough, though your comment didn't clarify the distinction. However, wouldn't you agree that if the "app" didn't exist in a "store" that has access to millions of "wallets" which enables these "in-app subscription purchases" to be purchased seamlessly that these "subscriptions" wouldn't be

Now playing

I think I read somewhere that pressure sensitive touch and palm/finger rejection is available on the iPad, and that all Apple has to do is release an API. One could turn it on if they need to paint or do something with a more precise tool other than their finger.

How is providing a storefront, storage of the app binary, network bandwidth to push the app (sometimes in excess of 1GB) and all its updates to the device, a clearing house for payments, a well curated library system that naturally promotes good apps, and fluid access to 100+ millions of spend-y buyers NOT

I would be more than happy to pay a bit more for content if it meant that my experience was better than this new Gawker layout. /jab

The fundamental problem with the new Gawker:

@MayorBloomberg: HA! Tantamount; I love that word. My CEO constantly uses it as if it is one step higher on the scale of emphasis than the word paramount i.e. "Our success on this venture is TANTAMOUNT!" or "It is TANTAMOUNT that we finish this project on time!"

How 'bout Apple TV. They just camouflaged it as a hobby, cause they were smart enough to in advance.


LOL! Trust me, if Gawker continues this way...

I dont swear very often, but this crap with re-tweeting and no rich content and spam ads has got my mind full of obscenities lately. I really want to like the new layout and such, but cant you guys just get your $H!7 together on one thing before F@#*ing with everything else?

I dont swear very often, but this crap with re-tweeting and no rich content and spam ads has got my mind full of obscenities lately. I really want to like the new layout and such, but cant you guys just get your $H!7 together on one thing before F@#*ing with everything else?

What We Hate Most About The New Gawker

CHEESE-n-RICE!! Just re-tweet this type of crap and leave the main site to real newsworthy articles. This is like the third post like this in the last hour.

He who may be hiding his mobile pr0n surfing from his wife...

I hate the fact I have to wait 5 seconds to see the feature image for a friggin ad! I keep thinking I clicked on the wrong link. I like the clean layout of the articles, but I cant stand the way ads work now. Not cool

MenuMeters FTW!

@4nth0ny: Somewhere in Photoshopland. See the same cars in lanes 6-10 in both directions.

Pay close attention to some menus. It may say 'meat' burrito, not beef burrito. You may see three options, typically: Meat, Chicken, or Steak. Meat being the ground up saucy filling.

@Dexomega: Put aside the poor ATT reception quality some experience in various locations. Simultaneous Data/Voice is what I call "power of subtlety". When working road-warrior style, it is nice you can carry on a conversation whilst receiving push email, and working a CRM app. One would think, it's not that big of a

@Kaiser-Machead: I remember seeing that. Now that I think about it, I am just surprised that someone hasn't done it in a more polished way long before now seeing how Linux distros have operated. I remember using a repository app on my PowerBook back in 2003 when OSX apps were a bit thin. You could search for then