
That’s a non starter for the GOP. If the money doesn’t go directly to businesses/the wealthy it isn’t improving the economy.

If they couldn’t afford daycare they shouldn’t have had kids!

Jezebel is often like the bitchy person in highschool that thinks they’re better than everyone because they know EVERYTHING about pop culture and famous people.

Thanks I'm a lot better at it than you and that clown of a joke you tried. 

This is a waste of a billion dollars to subsidize thugs and low lifes! They made their bad decisions now they can deal with it!

That's so massively petty.....I love it 

I'd be ecstatic with just .0004% of a billion per year. This mofo so rich he lost HALF OF ALL HIS VALUE and he's still a billionaire. 

Reading these articles and comments is kind of comical to me. My dad is ANAL about this stuff and he has a non finance business degree and works in sales. When I bought my 1st new car he came with because I had never even seen a loan application aside in college. I had a basic understanding of it all but to watch a

Sounds like a shitty Hello Fresh....

Ahhhhhh the Trump supporters favorite vehicle. 

If the box wasn’t dirt cheap I’d be PISSED if I got a couple pounds of cabbage and onions and paid like $20. Those are 2 of the cheapest vegetables aside from potatoes. 

Republican you call it Republican. 

That’s what Google is for. Type in whatever weird thing you got and you’ll find at least a dozen recipes. If you’re allergic to it give it to some starving homeless person. 

Awwwww you must be the self righteous cunt that was snotty about the time I used a plastic bag while riding my bicycle to the grocery store. I hope your SUV rolls over with you in it. 

What weird store doesn't sell carrots individually?!?!? Y'all need Kroger in your life. 

Those bags are awesome for replacing garbage bags in anything that isn’t my kitchen garbage bin.

The Versa is unlikely to last more than a year. 

I have had 3 Fitbit Charge HR’s and they’ve either stopped working completely or had the bands come off after just over a year. #2 and #3 happened at day 370 and 380. I quit Fitbit after they offered me a “discount” at their store which made it ONLY $10 MORE THAN ON AMAZON!

I’m calling it right now, Fire/Normal. 

Fire/NORMAL because it's a regular old fire bunny.