
Conflict can be internal, it doesn't have to be caused by someone else. I don't think an outside force controlled her second decision at all. That exchange could've gone numerous ways. I think what she learned was that she was capable of more than she thought. And how to be happy.

Get a life.

I don't think you really understand the song. Also, It's MADONNA. Do you really think she didn't know exactly what she was doing? Were you even alive in 1987? Did you actually get paid to ask us all not to listen to something because you don't like it?

I didn't know being educated meant knowing the entire career history of Conan. Interesting.

Ugh, everyone on The View is insufferable. Whether or not you agree with her politics, Elisabeth was winning that argument and Rosie couldn't handle it so she played the victim card. Wah, her feelings got hurt because not everyone agreed with her. And why was Joy even talking? Why did no one tell her to just shut the

I just watched this on Netflix. What in the actual fuck? This isn't even thrilling, it just made me want to punch everyone in the face. I know it's based on true events, but how are people seriously this dumb? And why didn't her friend just stay and pretend he was doing everything?

I just watched this on Netflix. What in the actual fuck? This isn't even thrilling, it just made me want to punch everyone in the face. I know it's based on true events, but how are people seriously this dumb? And why didn't her friend just stay and pretend he was doing everything?

Honestly, even if they had figured it out at the time, I don't think anyone could've done anything. Kurt did Kurt and that's the way it was.

I enjoy some Taylor Swift music. I find Taylor herself really grating. This video and song though… they just aren't very good. And Tay, we get it. All of your friends are famous. You win.

Me too. One of my favorites as a kid and it brought back so much joy to revisit it.

you shut your face. pumpkin coffee is delicious as long as it's not iced and at least September 15th when consumed.

this whole thing is stupid.

same. i need a new crowd.

Christopher Reeve's Superman and Ricky Stratton. Yup.

I agree with you. The movie itself…well, it's lifetime, but I actually preferred her to Reese's version. Way less "I got the part because people will pay to see me" way more "I love this man even though I'm gonna be hurt over and over again."

I actually don't think zooey is a MPDG at all. in most of her movies she's kinda mean to guys…

I think the proper term for her would be "manic pixie needs a bath" girl.