
If only every person watching had two long flat diversionary planks or in some cases one really wide plank to divert the water spout sideways if even a little bit. That really would’ve changed the whole scenario....

Yeah, the unnamed person in the long video that was just reduced to dangling lifelessly from their chair is doubtless seeking second opinions if they were diagnosed with “just damp.”

If you fell right onto the spray, it might be at high enough pressure to cut through your clothing and really hurt your skin.  Not a great plan lol.

as a cyclist, I hate it when i see other people on bikes do that. I stop even at T-intersections if it’s a red light as if i were driving. I’ve always been a huge proponent of following the rules of the road (including stop signs). I used to race at a continental Pro/1 level, and you cant get to that level riding

Just a tip: The soul of wit is brevity, not deranged 13 paragraph rants that nobody is going to bother to read because it’s obvious you’re not all there.

There is actually a setting you can toggle on and off for if the car automatically will get out of the passing lane or stay in the passing lane even when it shouldn’t be. The obvious answer is that the people who were already left lane hogs on purpose are a complete overlap with the people who are going to toggle this

Funny how the people who are best at calling out people for “living in fear” (among other things), are the ones who act the most afraid. Afraid of the media, afraid of “liberal propaganda”, afraid of being brainwashed, afraid of science, of what’s happening to the world, literally anything he doesn’t fully understand..

I’ve always been on the wrong side of minivan door technology. When I was a little kid, I lacked the upper-body strength to reliably open and close the sliders, and I lacked the height to reach the tailgate to close it. Now I lack the patience to wait for the motors. I rode in a minivan on a recent business trip, and

Holy hell, the crazy is strong in this one.

STFU you fucking moron.

You’re more likely to get myocarditis from Covid than the vaccine.

The stop signs are too darn many! A whole lot of them could be replaced with yield signs with zero consequences to road user safety. Country road intersecting another country road? Yield sign. Suburban street dumping into a main arterial road? Stop sign. But that would require the cops to give up that slam-dunk ticket

This is one of those posts where it's a distinct possibility the poster is so good at parody that I can't tell whether it was meant to be a parody of an idiotic post.


I wasn’t aware that rolling a stop sign was a life saving maneuver lol 

In Oregon these are called Idaho stops or California stops and there was legislation about 20 years ago to allow bicyclists to do this (not cars) in order to allow them to save momentum and it didn’t pass. It was only in 2020 that bicyclists (not cars) were finally allowed to do this without fear of ticketing. So good

I think the bigger concern here is the sentence stating “Will not exit passing lanes”. Does this mean from now on Teslas will be hogging the left lane 100% of the time? Lane hogging is already bad enough as it is. I am not familiar with Autopilot, can you set the speed like cruise control? If so then are we going to

You can expect to potentially be feeling pretty lousy for 12-24 hours after the vaccine.

You can expect to potentially be feeling pretty lousy for 12-24 hours after the vaccine. Both my second shot and booster knocked me out for a solid 12 hours.

To truckers (and Unions): get your vaccines. It takes a few minutes and you have no problems and no consequences.