
That's what make the negotiation scenes with Tastee, Fig, and Caputo so tedious. Anything they negotiate will be automatically and immediately negated with the discovery of dead Hump. There's no dramatic tension in these scenes because the audience already knows they are futile.

An investigation has not been completed and he hasn't been charged with anything. He is seeking punishment, but the legal/law enforcement route doesn't move that fast. I don't know if there is any good choice for him at this point. I suspect that he will eventually be charged with involuntary manslaughter, but I don't

Gloria is not likely to run her mouth about their secret hangout. I think that was a major concern of Frieda's in picking her hideout companions. Also, Gloria is mature, practical, and usually measured in her behavior. I would have included her in a minute.

That makes more sense than a teenager crying over another teenager's cultural appropriation in a high school musical.

The woman who plays Alison is such a bad actress that I can't really get into her story. The woman who plays her sister-wife should have the role of Alison.

I could see charging him with involuntary manslaughter, at the most.

I think the worst actress is the woman who plays Alison. Her acting consists of speeches and mugging.

Little Frieda's cross-country survival trek in her generic scout uniform with all the badges made the whole episode bearable for me. I knew she would make it home.

Also existing is poor Wildfire, the first horse who died in a killing frost.

I try to be patient with modernized Shakespeare plays, but lately I just dread them.

I called my senators. I'm a Democrat and I have been communicating with them for years about the many people I know who have been severely harmed by Obamacare. I never hear back, and don't know if they are even concerned about the young working people who lost their insurance, are not subsidized, and cannot afford the

I have grown more disenchanted with each episode. The beautifully filmed scenes do not make up for the fact that they are many times redundant and too long. I was bored by this whole episode, even finding the scene where Serena Joy reveals Hannah to Offred tedious.

I see white rapists almost always treated with the scorn and contempt they deserve. I have also seen apologists for the refugee rapists in Germany, claiming cultural differences, poverty, and racism as reasons (not really justifications) for the sexual assaults.

Ah, I forgot about Lady Oracle.

Maybe also a permitted outlet for the anger and aggression that they have to know is simmering in the women?

Absolutely. Cat's Eye, The Blind Assassin, The Robber Bride come to mind immediately.

I see Aunt Lydia as a woman who watched the infertility pandemic with horror and is now a true believer in whatever can improve that situation. I think her whole focus is MORE BABIES.

As much as I love the book, that scene (the murder scene) always rang a little false to me.

I have read several interviews with Ms. Atwood in which she states that she does not use material that did not actually happen. As a major fan of hers and an avid re-reader of her work, I think one has to take that figuratively to believe it at all. In fact, I don't think it is true, and put it in the same category of

Yes, I've heard stories like that. They would rather keep a pet imprisoned in a shelter than compromise an inch. Didn't like her vet? Check up once a year is not enough? Seriously?