
On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned

Trump will probably start a “which” hunt to find out who the traitors are.

Exactly. There’s no way she actually has friends.

I don’t know if she’s had a face lift, but it certainly looks like she did in that photo, which makes her ironically look older than she is.

I think it will be released, but they will try and delay it as long as possible so the the Right Wing drum beat of NO COLLUSION TOTAL EXONERATION can be drilled into the heads of his followers and the media a bit more. So that when the report is released and we see the steaming turd pile of corruption, illegality, and

I’m not sure what a coherent statement to the effect of, ‘If you can’t afford coverage, go die.’, looks like on a campaign platform.”

I agree with the talking goat—these hats serve as Klan hoods or swastika armbands for identification purposes. I want every bigot to own one and wear it everyday so we can all make decisions about how to disassociate with that person. If shunning is effective for teenage girls, it can work on 40-70 year old bigots.

I’m also in Toronto, and I don’t think I’ve seen someone in the flesh wearing one, but I believe you. They think they’re clever, that they’re hiding in plain sight, but they’re neither. We see you, fuckers.

European neo-Nazi groups even sometimes carry Confederate flags in their demonstrations. In that sense, it’s natural that extremists who view Trump as a gateway to white nationalism have embraced his emblems.

I think it’s because they choose to ignore the obvious signs. They’re people who are in denial about what is happening here and how they helped make it happen.

goofy ass long ties 

It’s never going to work because their very ideology prevents them from everything from regulating the industry to providing health care to those who can't afford it. Like, they will never come up with something their caucus can agree to, and their voters are too stupid to realize their leaders have no actual

I’m surprised the hate groups aren’t wearing too-large, poorly cut suits in addition to the MAGAt. 

Just like these esteemed senators, I am also “working on health care thoughts.” 

Exactly. It still amazes me that they made Romney run away from his signature accomplishment as governor because they decided that Obamacare, a conservative, market-based approach to universal health care, was actually the worst Socialism ever. 

correction: a cardboard cutout with long hair that says “amazingly excellent and positive in everything!”

Tough to be agile with bone spurs. Maybe some healthcare would help. 

I’m so tired of all of this. You can change a few words of every Trump story, but it’s all the same thing.

I’m a not-especially-young-looking 35 and looking at Stephen Miller always makes me feel better about my own face.

I thought the rabbits in Inland Empire were quite cute.