I wasn’t asking for evidence, I was telling you that the point you were trying to make was unclear.
I wasn’t asking for evidence, I was telling you that the point you were trying to make was unclear.
All these examples you’re sending me are individual incidents at individual schools- not some broad, organized movement. I mean, I guess be upset at these individual protesters for not protesting things you think they should be protesting as well? You could always protest things you think ought to protested yourself...
The progressive student movement thinks it is very important to remove racism from the curriculum. It just doesn’t think that Nazism falls under that umbrella - there is no one, in my experience, arguing that Heidegger raises serious issues except Jewish students.
You are confused- specific: movement to remove Shakespeare; general: your assertion Heidegger is “is the darling of the philosophy department” (I assume you were referring to all or most philosophy departments with this phrase.)
We live in an era where people call for someone to be fired for saying that girls may have different brains than boys, and where students call for Shakespeare not to be part of the curriculum because he’s white..........but a literal NAZI - a proud Nazi - is the darling of the philosophy department.