What the fuck Hamburger?

He hasn’t spoken to them since, and has no desire to! He’s even angrier at them than I am, and that’s really saying something.

He truly is a vile person, for multiple reasons. One silver lining is that our daughter will never, ever have to meet him.

damn I’m sorry, glad you and your husband cut off contact, what a horrible human

I agree with your assessment of this person in general but agree with Jane’s advice. If you are truly repentant and cheated once (not multiple times), don’t tell them. The cheater should feel guilty and like shit, but not dump shit feelings on another.

My scariest in-my-face racist story? When my husband’s stepfather called me a “spic bitch” because I dared to confront him about inappropriate (sexist and racist) remarks he was making. He then threatened to beat the shit out of me. I was pregnant at the time.

I’ve quickly learned (from Captain Awkward: go there right now if you’ve never been, I have grown so much as a person and a “bitch) that having a “script” of responses takes a lot of the pressure off. Next time potential FIL says something racist, look him in the eye, let the silence become just a bit uncomfortable,

GodDAMMIT do I want to star this all fucking day long. I want to make burner accounts to give this more stars. I want to print it out on stickers and post it on my computer screen when I see some anti-vaxxer status pop up. I’ve never heard it framed this way, and it is fucking brilliant.

As an autistic person it blows my mind that people would rather have a dead kid than an autistic one.

Good God, this is reading like part of the plot from Night at the Museum, and not in a good way. If I go to a museum, I do not want to look at virtual displays of information about things that are fascinating. I can contemplate them anywhere, or look at pictures of them in a catalog. I want to look at the things.

I saw the Captain America movies pretty late because I am so fucking sick of superhero movies. But when I did they definitely changed my opinion on him. He’s definitely pretty freaking cute.

The part that stresses me out the most is the fact that the lyrics were written by Robert Altman’s then-fourteen-year-old son Mike. Robert Altman made something like $70k for directing the film. Mike made something like a million dollars for his part of the song royalties due to the lyrics.

Your tourist visa to Dipshitistan is DENIED.

This is such a low effort petty joke and I am here for it. Not my Dumbident.

Kid Rock and Ted Nugent should run for Dumbident and Vice-Dumbident of Dipshitistan.

Ugh. Too bad he just didn’t disappear forever after My So Called Life.

Realizing they might face some consequences. Nothing that could have happened to the women would have mattered.


Right?! On the maternity leave. When she mentioned the two and the “three month standard in the US” I was like hahahahha sure. Maybe. As long as you know that’s UNPAID.

I love this. But to be fair it is difficult being in your twenties. At least i feel it is. Everything is new and I’m suddenly expected to be an “adult”. people my age are graduating, working, moving in together, having babies. And i’m still trying to recover from my latest breakdown. My point is: there is no manual