I am enormously unsettled by a man who dresses his MIL in something with that much underboob.
I am enormously unsettled by a man who dresses his MIL in something with that much underboob.
But he picked her.
My experience was the opposite—my feet grew half a size the first time I was (unsuccessfully) pregnant and stayed that way through a couple more false starts. After finally having a kid, they’re back down to my old size and every pair I’ve bought in the past 5 years is too big.
I hope they have a training program in the works so this can get some local people employed as well.
That looks a little sketchy greyed. It’s only a cat in a monkey suit licking a banana.
EVERYONE: I don’t know where to put this but I have to share it immediately
I think this cat looks more like Adam Driver than the famous one.
This was helpful: “Those are both, as you can see with your eyeballs, very small numbers.”
The cat must have been so relieved.
You give Kim K a lot more credit than I do. By the 3rd tweet I thought that was fakety fake fake.
I assumed that he read half a headline about Cosby’s lawyer getting dismissed from Janice Dickinson’s suit.
re: “Now everything seems to be all about attention seeking, even to the point of being pointlessly controversial, all the way to slightly over the top tacky.” — it’s a little chicken and the egg, isn’t it? You didn’t just describe his tweets, you described the entire family he married into.
Arg, I should have kept scrolling. Although I was responding to someone else because this became a popular theme on this thread.
This just made it mandatory for me: “one of Bee’s writers previously worked at the Maryland DMV”
You got the interview, though. I don’t know what your field is but from what I’ve seen, hiring has been bottled up for so long every staff is stretched thin. They don’t waste their time interviewing extra people.
Does anybody like the combined Gawker-Jez liveblogs? I’ve come to actively dislike them, when I loved the Jez-only ones. It’s not just having a sense of who the writers are, it’s also just too many participants.
It’s not always that bad. I was induced and from pitocin to birth was about 24 hours, but less than 15 minutes of that was pushing. Even the earlier contractions get tiring, so don’t be surprised if you nap while waiting for the OB. Good luck, and congratulations!!
I figured out as a teenager that the people that inspire such behavior in me are those to stay well away from. Sounds like you already know that, though.