
I couldn't make it out to DC until after work but it was fucking great to see the energy.

I really hope that Katsuji isn't able to parlay his failures and general lack of redeeming qualities into a celebrity chef career.

Loved this album as soon as "Dangerous" kicked in and I think it's still my favorite track after many listens.

Jim was like 40% of why I'm watching this season :(

Still waiting for that new Wolf Parade…

Really disappointed in the Mary character arc; feels like so much squandered potential. And the wig was fucking awful.

I hope there's a double-elimination soon with Katsuji and Emily.

I was wondering about that too. I'm not sure about his chances to win the entire thing, but he provides a ton of balance to any cast with his chill professionalism.

It's very good and I like it a lot. Motherfucker.

Spending hours in FFXV's postgame is not doing my backlog any favors.

I find myself enthralled by what feels like Chan-wook Park's visceral glee for narrative structure and striking imagery. Transgressive classicist? I'm not schooled enough in cinema to know but I love his movies, and he's one of those directors I'll follow no matter what he does.

I was incredibly skeptical when this was in pre-production, but now (especially after Arrival) I'm ready to accept this into my heart.

I'm extremely excited for this movie as proof-of-concept. I'd love nothing more than for the successes of side stories to open the doors for something more along the lines of KOTOR2's take on the mythos. And I always appreciate Ignatiy's film-fluent, eminently readable reviews.

Really hope we get a Shirley/Brooke/Jim/Sylva final.

Balut is really good. If it kept better I wouldn't be surprised to see the yolk and broth show up on trendy restaurant menus.

Fuck yeah, me too.

Aesthetic and production design are off the charts; the acting is pretty great all-around — even if this ever goes off the rails, I'm not going to root for that to happen with how much potential is in just this first episode.

Two favorite F Word moments: Ramsay trying hakarl; season-long raising of two lambs in his backyard. The cooking bits are fairly instructive too without the level of browbeating in his American shows.

So psyched for this.