
Took the daughter to the zoo this summer a little after she turned one. She liked snakes, because she had some pictures of a few in some of her books (and really enjoyed making the ‘sssss’ sound). Anyway, we went all around, and she enjoyed looking at the animals (tortoise was her favorite).

“I am sorry, the word we were looking for was Naggers....Naggers.”

What’s the big deal? Tim Tebow bounced passes to receivers for years and nobody was impressed.

Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?

He’s wearing a wrist band.

Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

I hope the make one of those really big cheerleader pyramids.

The Chargers finally got Bosa...

Wow...I can post a picture too. Now you can go feck yo’ self!

I’ve always been a big Romo fan so this is kinda sad for me. I remember when all the haters thought he was a choke artist after he miffed that punt hold and whatever. Good call idiots. He’s the top fantasy quarterback.

Leave it to an abuser to not handle getting beat.

Studies have shown if you ladies weren't so rapeable you wouldn't be raped.

Ummmmm, what the fuck kind of seats are those? You may as well sit in the parking lot.

People still pay attention to Peter King?

Occams Razor hurr durrr. [fart]

Damn Zukka U jus got ur shit pushed in!

Don’t feed the trolls man. The more visible you are as a commenter the more they seem to come out of the woodwork. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

Perhaps you didn’t receive a note or a job opp because your letter, like your post, simply bored the shit out them.