very stabile amonynish unindicted co-conspirator

Why does Ivana get a pass? I mean, sheesh.

Frankly, this piece and the controversy surrounding it, even the contextual missteps of its (mis)use as a play structure for children, the very cringe-worthiness and absurdity and sadness of it all, have accomplished much of what the sculpture set out to do. And a white person having created this...? Layers and

Thank you for the insight. Good to know. Persians I know find it rude, but totally different culture, I understand. I didn’t read much beyond the headline of the WaPo article before having to scream in a pillow (again).

And this dunderhead gave his favorite, the “thumbs up” in Saudi Arabia, where it means “Stick a thumb up your...”.

Just googled “dominance ritual ape”... and the first image isn’t even an ape...