Well, I don’t watch much TV, have no must see shows, don’t subscribe to Hulu or Netflix or Amazon Prime.
Well, I don’t watch much TV, have no must see shows, don’t subscribe to Hulu or Netflix or Amazon Prime.
Train your mind and body to wake up by going to sleep at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each morning even on your days off. Get the same amount of sleep each night and get enough sleep. I totally disregard the suggestion of sleep experts to turn off screen devices a half hour or so before…
There are also statutes of limitations which limit the amount of time in which to prosecute for most offenses except murder.
I don’t think the scenario included incomes for either family just expenses. One could assume that Family A’s retirement portfolio is kicking out $40,000 annually and Family B’s retirement portfolio is kicking out only $30,000 given that it is only $750,000 compared to the cool 1 mil for Family A. What’s better than…
There was no mention of income for either of the family scenarios. Could be that family B with the lower annual expenses also had the lower annual income over their working life and thus could only save $750,000. Also, not mentioned is how each family had their retirement funds allocated. The stock market dropping 40%…
As for price gouging, my vet charged me $80 for a flea collar that I can get on Amazon for less than $40. How common is it for vets to have that much markup on products they sell?
Just don’t thin the peanut butter with honey for babies under a year old. Honey may contain spores that could lead to a form of botulism for infants whose gastro-intestinal systems lack the acids necessary to destroy whatever toxins may be produced by the spores.
An excellent “did you know?” factoid!
Just don’t knock over and spill your two liter carton. That stuff is 90 bucks! Free shipping, though.
If you want to pay $2 [+/-] per can, you can now buy a caramel version of sweetened condensed milk. Eagle Brand, I believe. Then you’d have a one ingredient recipe. Course, you would need a can opener.
It’s important to point out that no matter the number you pick, you should never stop saving once you reach your goal but go on to establish other savings goals and work your way up to investing goals. The differences between (1) accumulating savings and (2) investing to grow your money include the amount of risk you…
I own shares in the Vanguard Short-Term Investment Grade Bond Fund [VFSTX] which I opened 7/1/2011. I just checked my account and as of Thursday’s closing [the last day the market was open], yields are at 2.03% while the year to date return is 0.70%, the 1 year return 1.07% and the 3 year return is 1.39%. I actually…
A step in the right direction. Maybe the other carriers will take note and come up with similar options for data that does not expire. At the very least, give a year to use it or lose it. I just need data for my iPad Mini when I’m in a store with no wifi [looking at you, Aldi and Kroger] or Walmart’s free-wi is…
Is it accurate to say that “hot water and regular soap kills most germs”? Proper hand-washing using hot water [or just plain tap water coming out of the faucet at whatever temperature] and regular soap washes most germs down the drain. Probably there is little to no actual killing of germs involved. Simply germ…
I don’t have much use for butter itself. Coconut oil or peanut butter, however, would make a good stand-in. Thanks for the inspiration.
Just the caps. The stems he smoked.
Who needs to get it out of the pan? Just attack it with a spoon.
Tried to access the link. Nothing comes up. Did a search for it by name on the web and tried to access it there but still no go. Did find a scam/complaints page where someone posted that the site had his/her cell number and name listed to a bogus company and would not remove the page after being contacted about the…
At $300 I’m definitely interested and I do use all the Google services including Google Voice. How are you using yours to replace your phone? Hangouts? Google Voice?