
Did Harry really buy a house two blocks away from hers? Was that before or after she bought the house down the beach from the Kennedy teen she was dating?

There's "I Wish You Would," about an ex who bought a house two blocks from hers (whom she implies was Styles).

They have crack sprinkled on top. Breadsticks & salad are the only reasons to go to Olive Garden, but damn if they aren't extremely good reasons.

You lost me at "tired chain restaurant". Their salad dressing is my cocaine.

My nutritionist preemptively says no in an email. Not just to me; I'm supposed to tell you all this as well.

Olive Garden Accountant: "Oh no! Q3 is almost over, and we need to come up with $100,000 ASAP!"
Olive Garden Marketing Person: "I have an idea.."

Nubian Skin: Women of Color, You Have Our Support.

Jesse Williams' abs say you're wrong.

If you haven't already, read the book "The Gift of Fear." It's generally about abusive partners but everything it says can be applied to other people in your life. I don't recommend getting the police involved because that can cause the person's behavior to escalate. Contact her only one more time, via text or email

OKC Messages of the Week:

It was like hearing muzak during every scene. Which made me feel like I was in the hospital elevator. Wait. Was it genius?

You should write copy for Netflix or DVD cases or whatever. I always see that Debra Messing movie when I'm browsing but I've never wanted to watch it until this moment.

UGH I miss her already

Please. Jesse Williams alone, makes it not "useless."

Shonda is the queen of Primetime. Grey's has had it's issues over the years but I adore the show and will watch until the end. Scandal is just pure genius and I can't wait for her other new one to start! Shonda is a BAMF in my book!

Grey's Anatomy is like an old friend... It has come and gone into my life many times but I know it's always there if I need another reason to drink wine on a Thursday night.

Fine, I'll be watching. But only if they ditch the soundtrack consisting entirely of remakes of EVERY FUCKING SONG FROM THE 80's.

Reading this made me so happy. And I'm not remotely ashamed to admit that I once found an Olive Garden mint in the car's console weeks after an Olive Garden visit and delightedly unwrapped and ate (well, more licked because it's summer in Texas) that bastard while my husband looked on vaguely horrified. It was