
And has a baby of her own! Err, pup.

I'm not sure if this is the same one rebound is referring to, but I was going to mention this documentary which I watched on Netflix, called Saving Otter 501. It's about a baby otter they find orphaned that the Monterey Aquarium rehabilitates and they talk about the history of the rehabilitation program and stuff.

You forgot my favorite parts!


Oh man. I hadn't thought about the poor silkworms. RIP.

I think that's fair. Also, he is super cute.

At least the color is pretty?

I only watched the first two episodes. It's still on my DVR and maybe sometime I'll give it another chance, but I'm done for now. :(

Whoa. And here I didn't want another cat (I have ONE tiny tortie) in my one bedroom apartment. Clearly I need at least 3 more.

Wow. That's a lot of cats. I count 10?

Yep, definitely some Jennifer Love Hewitt in there. Or Jennifer Love Fefferman.

Now playing

ooh, thanks, I found it on youtube! Excellent. A lovely way to start my Saturday, with the creepy creepy janitor.

Um, I am now going to set my DVR to record Hocus Pocus because all my DVDs are still in a box from my move and I was sad I wasn't going to get to watch it this year. Thanks!

Do you have the one (BMW episode) where they are stuck in the high school with the serial killer? I always loved that episode. I should find it and watch it.


I get that this is supposed to be funny (the "we're all victims" line), but it does read a little tone deaf in light of the aforementioned 4,000 lives lost because of Ebola.

Anyone else super excited for The Walking Dead tomorrow? Just me?

piiiiiictures, please!