Carolyn Keene, Writer and Ghost

Oreo, this is the opposite of what I want! I want less creme (like less than the original) or no creme.

I sure hope no one is serving any animals that were affected in the California wildfires. Or, I suppose, any animals affected by any wildfires anywhere in the world.

Can you help me understand why you find your husband insulting in this scenario? Wouldn’t it be the people who are sexist and wouldn’t vote for Warren based on her being a women be the people you find insulting?

I’m on board with pretty much everything you’ve said here. Except, “Inclusivity is a problem across the industry, and every game is a part of that industry and thus either part of the problem or part of the solution.”

Yeah, same (and I haven’t even seen the movie yet). The thing is just so darn cute!

Cool. We disagree.


I can say for me specifically that I was once really into gaming well into my college years, but then kind of fell off. However, I have since gotten back into them again over the last decade or so. I’m only a sample size of 1, but I’d wager I’m not alone.

Criticize games all you want, I have no issue with that. I have an issue with people asking them to change them. If the artist is cool with feedback in lieu of changing their art, that’s great. If the artist doesn’t want to change their art, I think that is also fine.

Yup, you’re right. I’ll step away from the art criticism [of paintings] discussion here, and plead ignorance.

Hmmmmnn.... I do understand what you’re saying, but I wonder if that’s really more of a problem with their specific reasoning and not that they did it in the first place.

Yeah, I suppose you did say “the last decade”, so fair.

What makes you think I didn’t read the article?

Much to Danny Butterman’s disappointment (probably or likely), I’ve never seen “Bad Boys II” (or “Bad Boys”). One ofthese days...

If I can, I would change this line, “You would never tell Mary Corse how to paint “ to You would never tell Mary Corse WHAT to paint (especially after she’s already finished the painting).

If games are art, I don’t really understand asking (not demanding, asking or suggesting) the artist to change their work of art so that they [the one who asked] like it better (or whatever positive result they would derive from the change). It’s their art.

She was literally in “Super Marios Bros. 2".

People criticize paintings for a lack of diversity depicted within them?

Whether there should be women character models in certain games is a fight of “good vs evil”.

I hope you don’t mean the article above, because I didn’t see it. Assuming you do mean the above article, if you would be so kind as to point out the paragraph where the OP’s question is answered (or a quote), that’d be great (as it is possible that I missed it).