Carolyn Keene, Writer and Ghost

For me, the cookie is easily the best part of an Oreo and the creme is always the worst part of an Oreo.

Plus, if I had to wager, I’d bet Wahlberg would have no problem being able to do that.

Everyone stop sending your children to cult schools!

To be fair, they’re probably referencing the Danzig (solo project) song called “Mother”.

T.S. Eliot and his poem “The Hollow Men” are super overrated anyway (in my, possibly biased) opinion.

I would have voted for Thin Lizzy myself. That said, the Rock and Roll HOF has long since passed its point of relevancy (for me at least for sure).

Weird. I swore that this was already completed. Clearly though, I am mistaken.

It’s interesting... it seems like a near 100% of internet commenters follow one of the following two thought patterns:

I’ve never played the game, but if I assume, Bossk is actually his name and he’s a trandoshan bounty hunter (seen in “....Episode V...”)

Huge PJ fan here, and I can agree that their output is somewhat mixed (though, everyone can agree/disagree on what albums are good/bad), at least it is for me.

This is probably one of the few movies I’ll actually see in theaters this year, and is potentially the one I am most excited to see. I’m hoping for something similar to the hostage vessel/ship scenes from the beginning of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”.

Guy Pearce is pretty much always fantastic, so I’ll probably see this one someday (maybe).

You ever actually consider what Cruella de Vil’s endgame is? She has 101 dalmatian puppies kidnapped so that make a fur coat from them... from the puppies!! That’s some evil shit.

I’m kind of surprised by how many people seem to be happy about this announcement (at least among this group). But hey, that’s good, I guess.

I just texted my brother to tell him the news, and this was pretty much his exact response.

I also thought he was pretty solid in “Attack the Block”.

I’m one of those weirdos who wanted Taylor Lautner to blowup. That said, I’ve only seen 2 of his non-’Twilight...” movies; “Tracers” was okay-ish fun and “Abduction” was fairly decent (but nothing overly special).

Gita, I don’t want this to be weird, but I just wanted to share that you are an inhabitant of my “Sims 4" world; you live in Newcrest. It’s mostly filled with celebrities (actors, musicians, etc.), fictional characters, and close friends and family. You are among small handful of other real-life people who I don’t

I guess I’m dumb, will you explain the joke to me?