
I watched it last night before reading this. I don’t disagree with most of the critiques but I found it slightly more enjoyable than the rating would indicate. I say that I found it more enjoyable vs. it’s better than the rating as the pleasure is very much in the nostalgia and the sometimes absurd cameos (returning

The man’s hilarious as hell. You’re right that he may not be regarded in the same way as some of the other people. But he’s hilarious as hell. 

I still think The Big Bang Theory was really good.

Shocking that the showrunners of TWD still have no idea how to write anything compelling.

I believe that show as called Futurama

Every time I see that written I throw up a little in my mouth.  Whoever said that clearly does not understand the the thematic elements of either Star Trek or Rick and Morty or understand how those two very different shows with very different world views are completely incompatible.  

I kinda wish the Futurama writers got to tackle a similar episode with the TNG cast.  There were rumors they had one on the books for a later season but it never panned out.

“He’s not a child, he’s thirty-four!”

We already saw what the writers of Futurama were capable of with Star Trek and it was...really great. Just an all-time classic episode, really.

Imagine what the writers of Futurama could’ve done with this.

I don’t think it’s actually Rick doing something right. The way Beth phrased it was “Do you want me to stay and be part of your life,” or head off into space. It was a pretty unambiguous request for love and approval, and he just doesn’t want the responsibility. So he invents a workaround where he doesn’t have to take

The whole season has felt like an awkward, haphazard attempt to get back to the status quo of season one. It’s like the writers decided they didn’t want to follow up on any of the themes and storylines set up in season 3 (which was phenomenal) and are dancing around it.

Honestly my favorite line of the episode was the very first: “We have returned from the talkies!” 

Nandor, not the sharpest fang in the choppers.

It didn’t hit me until the rerun of last week’s episode, but the idea of a vampire putting a toothpick in his mouth is a very badass move. Akin to a human keeping a hand grenade in his mouth with the pin pulled.

Nick Kroll using the damn ZUNE killed me.

I have not seen this but I shall soon seek it out! I will say all of the others individuals work would still stand in this scenario, just that their accession to late night host would cease to exist or ever arise

I have had an irrational dislike of him ever since he took over for the departing Craig Ferguson, whom I miss seeing regularly.

“Do not be beguiled by other versions,”

Also, “Cancel red alert!... it’s a burnt tomato.”