
while it was a slippery slope - let’s be honest. Those 200 artists backing Williams and Thicke were more concerned that they were going to actually have to create something on their own.

I used to have 100 VHS tapes. They are now all in a landfill somewhere.

I still want the big twist to be that there were only zombies in the United States and the rest of world is doing just fine without us.

He’s got 2 schticks: celebrities playing games and the music bits (in which he is helped tremendously by the Roots). I think Kimmel, Colbert, Conan can be just as playful in their own unique way but also have range. Mean tweets, for example, is just as silly as celebs playing games, but more durable and inventive.

I’m suspicious of anyone who thinks the bar for “good person” is “not being evil.” That said, if I had to pick one word for Fallon, it’d be banal.

Bonus fact: once a zombie becomes a Ghombi it for no real reason whatsoever can travel in time. There’s 10 more seasons right there! As They explore the ancient Roman suburbs of Atlanta

If you’re gonna bring back dead characters, why not start with the good ones like Abraham Ford?

Eh, wake me when they bring back T Dawg.

i have also been in a mutually toxic relationship before so I always find it foolish when people jump to sides on total strangers like this. I mean I have a former partner that told many people grossly exaggerated to false accounts of our relationship, to the point that people I hadn’t met yet hated me and viewed me

What other women?? So far its just Dykstra. I’m currently holding my judgement, but if there are does lend more credibility. Usually with bad relationships things aren’t always how each person sees it...which makes the situation tricky...unless of course there’s witnesses or people who went through

It is a real thing. It doesn’t mean she actually has it.

It’s a one-two punch of assholery. The unnecessary “I don’t know her” bit is just the segue into shitting on her idiolect, which NPH didn’t even have the guts to do directly: he had to use his son as his way in. It’s not that he’s snidely dismissive of people who say “like” and “oh my god” a lot, his son commented on

When I saw that I intially thought yes Neil Patrick Harris is more famous than her that’s pretty obvious. However for someone who’s newly famous she’s incredibly accomplished and within a very similar field. She’s no former child star Doogie Howser, also known for Starship Troopers who’s career was revived by a Joss

It’s a real thing.

Oh, I absolutely read it as “I don’t have the time to know who this nobody is but I do have the time to make sure you know that I don’t know who she is.” Like the people who will respond to articles about some moderately famous person with, “Who?” Yes, yes, you are delightfully out of touch with what the unwashed

I wrote this up for a forum after hearing the news, its the best I could do:

Loved early Arrested Development but with seasons 4 and 5 it feels like they’re trying to force the magic. Clearly not everyone gets on, people are busy and the hearts just aren’t in it. Should have either left it after season 3 or just done the film version they promised to wrap everything up

The show isn’t remotely as funny as it once was and Hurwitz doesn’t seem like he’s got a firm hand on the helm. Maybe it’s time to finally let it go?

Correct. They should be moved to a list of the worst mainstream movies of the modern age.