Does anyone else ever need a second to remember that Rosita and Tara are two different people?
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Negan and Simon’s fight. No walkers, no fire, no mud, no guns and battles, “just” two guys fightin’ like in old timey days.
This was the first episode of Atlanta I’ve seen (I know, I KNOW...) and I both LOVED it and could not watch when it immediately repeated. Too creeped out.
In the best way.
That Tillerson was Emmy-worthy.
This show will end with zombies frolicking in J.Crew and SOMEBODY sunbathing naked in the alps.
Immediately. I always think ‘Battlestar Galactica’ when I see those, that faux ‘hand-held-zoom-in-on-the-action’ shots and I almost always hate them (I forgive the few that turn up in ‘Serenity’ because it’s Serenity.)
The ones last night should have had a sound effect, like the old 6 Million Dollar Man action noise.
Glad Rick got a hold of some antihistamines for this.
DIscounting Kars for Kids in the way one might leave the Beatles off a ‘best musical groups of all time’ list, I’m nominating “877-241-LUNA” (It’s a flooring company.) Their jingle isn’t so bad, but for some bizarre reason, at the very end of the tune a chord plays that is in a different key entirely. It sounds like…
All the other nicknames were taken.
(If I could edit, I’d put a close quote after ‘yet.’)
“But there’s no foundation yet.
I liked the calm albeit curious questioning when Ed and Malloy are found looking through the book, as opposed to “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” and the even-tempered, reasonable discussion of how to handle them that followed as opposed to an immediate trip to the brig for interrogation (I know they were disguised but even…
I feel a little reassured to see someone else using ‘unrealistic.’ ‘Curb has always given shown us characters and situations that ride the line between realistic to a point and downright silly, but this season is striking me as being overly farfetched. If Larry didn’t want to use the tongs last week he would have used…
No charm. No chemistry between characters. This could be another CBS show about a law firm were it not for the effects and those godawful horrific Klingons.
The Orville will never have a worse episode than Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season One, “Code of Honor.” Also, 95% of the other season one episodes.