
To be honest it is pervasive throughout Southern culture. But then, Savile got away with his evil deeds for the same reason, didn't he? So while existing in The South, it does not appear to be a particularly Southern-only attitude.

Yes, and it's unrealistic to think that similar stuff has not happened/ is not happening elsewhere. I hope Yewtree opens up eyes all around the world. There are many rumors over here in America, too. Unfortunately, we don't have a Yewtree yet to be investigating them.

At one point in time the Cleveland Browns had 5 players either in jail or on probation. Athletes are pampered all through their school days. It's just possible that more than the average may develop an "entitlement" attitude.

What you say is absolutely sickening. I was at the trial. There is no way that those boys were lying. They were not professional actors, nor had they taken "theater" in school. Besides they had another dozen ready to testify against Sandusky in case a second trial was needed.
Penn State, from what you say, well

People clinging to their desire to "rose-color" reality are just what allows the Cosby's, etc. to do their evil work. Sorry, the world might be a nicer place, if you choose to look at it through rose-colored glasses. But the reality is still there when you take them off!

Of course the charity work does not undermine their evilness!. Question their motives. In Savile's case he used his charity works to gain access to his victims. Plus they know in their hearts that they are the world's lowest scum and simply to feel better about themselves they do a little charity work. All a

Maybe just better at covering it up?

Get real! None of that erases nor excuses nor makes up for the unspeakable evil that the monster of which you speak perpetrated on his poor innocent little victims, condemning them to a shattered life, perhaps even murdering their souls.

Well, welcome to the Ostrich Club.

A creep is a creep. There's no middle ground. It's not that they may have a "nice side". That's usually just their tactical cover-up!

These women are to be commended as alleged sexual predatorslike Bill Cosby and accused pedophiles like Sylvain Kustyan, Jerry Sandusky, etc. must be apprehended before they have decades to prey upon our women and children. Sandusky is safely behind bars. But unfortunately, Sylvain Kustyan, who has been formally

Oh, they find the time. Besides, since only 1 in 10 cases are ever reported he's got at least nearly another 400 victims out there, but my guess is it will be much higher. JFK is reported to have had 1,200 women (but he seduced them).

Alleged sexual predators of minors such as Bill Cosby and accused pedophiles like Sylvain Kustyan, Jerry Sandusky, etc. must be apprehended before they have decades to prey upon our young women and children. Sandusky is safely behind bars. But unfortunately, Sylvain Kustyan, who has been formally charged with two