
Why? Sometimes dogs need to be transported from place to place, like if they are going to the vet or a dog sitter. Cabs are much more expensive and the drivers sometimes refuse to pick up someone with a dog. I've lived in NYC for 12 years and I've never seen any issue with a dog on the subway (many people don't

Same. I take the subway every day and I'm not totally sure why a dog in a tote bag is funny. It's…just a good thing to put a dog in since you already own it.

As disingenuous as you may think it was that the garbage collectors changed their views so quickly, my stepmom actually participated in the same scenario in the 70s. She was working for a city government in Connecticut, and she, along with a few other female government employees did a mock try-out for the fire

I think Ellie had some speech therapy during the off season! Her voice is no longer as gratingly annoying, but she's still the worst character on the show.

I think Ellie had some speech therapy during the off season! Her voice is no longer as gratingly annoying, but she's still the worst character on the show.

Jenna mentioned Pizzarina Sbarro a few seasons ago as a socialite that she sometimes spends time with, but it was just a throwaway joke line because it's a funny name. We've never seen her before.

Jenna mentioned Pizzarina Sbarro a few seasons ago as a socialite that she sometimes spends time with, but it was just a throwaway joke line because it's a funny name. We've never seen her before.

I know that a lot of people found Ernie and Cindy, the winners of TAR 19 to be really annoying, but I loved them because they showed that preparation can make all the difference. After so many seasons of yelling at the TV stuff like "You can't SWIM? God, have you ever SEEN this show before????" 
Ernie and Cindy talked

I know that a lot of people found Ernie and Cindy, the winners of TAR 19 to be really annoying, but I loved them because they showed that preparation can make all the difference. After so many seasons of yelling at the TV stuff like "You can't SWIM? God, have you ever SEEN this show before????" 
Ernie and Cindy talked

The Beekman boys, shown with their goats, are from upstate New York.

The Beekman boys, shown with their goats, are from upstate New York.

I'm so glad someone else remembers that! My boyfriend and I are obsessed with "are you a candle a bruh/battlement." and bring it up every time one of the racers does something really stupid.

I'm so glad someone else remembers that! My boyfriend and I are obsessed with "are you a candle a bruh/battlement." and bring it up every time one of the racers does something really stupid.

maybe setting up the obstacles took a really long time, but it was boring so it was edited out?

Denmark should offer bunny steeplechasing as a tourist attraction! I would totally pay to do it.

After they were ousted, I couldn't help but think that Zac is in for a lifetime of being repeatedly blamed for losing them the race. Laurence is such a ass. I can't believe that the show never mentioned that his 16 year old daughter Abby caused a major, expensive international incident when she was lost at sea, trying

For some reason, I thought the Old Folks were calling Laurence & Zac bastards aka, their reason for choosing to U Turn them versus choosing another team. Laurence is clearly a jerk, so I assumed that Bill & Cathi chose them because they sucked and wanted to slow them down, not because they thought they were the

I did MUN in the Hague, and almost got kicked out of Security Council for trying to put together a "Coalition of the Killing" and passing notes in French. I was super unprepared and super bored the whole week.

Except for the closing ceremonies, everything in the book was straight out of the Regency era in England (1811-1820), including Dwight's outfit. So the book could have just been a copy and paste of a Regency party guidebook.