
It’s also desensitizing to see it at point-of-sale registers from the time you can pick out your own candy bar. Turn ‘em around, I say.

I will say, I know a lot of people who had never heard of ALS before the Ice Bucket Challenge. My uncle has it and I’ve had to explain what it is for a long time and suddenly people were talking about this actually-pretty-unknown disease. And people I know with ALS were able to get significant help because of the

It definitely isn’t satire as she posted a pic of her show’s crew all decked in orange as well.

Reached out to a buddy who works on the show. Will update as soon as I have info.

A gun saved her life from... a gun.

My bf is of the chubby/bearded/witty/geeky/manly category. We met on Tinder and have been together for two years. It’ll happen for ya bud.

I’ll give you more hope - At least 10 of my good girlfriends (and gay guyfriends) share my Stan Rizzo love. We send each other Stan Rizzo pics, get jealous over each other’s encounters with Rizzo (I was smarting for like months after Ferguson went to a friend’s improv show - Then he did a day on the show I worked on

Stan Rizzo from Mad Men. Celebrity chef Scott Conant. Zak Orth when he had a beard in Revolution (a show I never watched, but I know Zak Orth looked cute in it).

You now know a woman who finds big ol beards attractive.

I’ll periodically check for other Caroline Andersons on FB and see if we have any mutuals. I found out that one of my best friends had another Caroline Anderson on FB, immediately joke-subtweeted “Pretty insane that anyone I’m friends with knows another person named Caroline Anderson and hasn’t told me” (paraphrased).

It’s actually Rosanna Pansino and I hate that I know that.

Cheaper than a hotel but also ideally the host can help you out better than a concierge could. When I arrived at my AirBNB in London my host met me with a laminated map and highighers and asked where all I wanted to go. She showed me, explained bus fair to me, talked about cultural differences to be aware of. If I’m

Best header image ever?

When I was 21 years old and had just moved to LA, I lived for a month in an apartment I found on Craigslist. It was 5 people in a one bedroom being run by a massive guy with long black hair in his late 50s who worked nights as a tow truck driver. There was no privacy and he wouldn’t let me use the kitchen or the

I know, I more meant that he has an established pattern of discounting rumors about his friends.

Do remember that IMMEDIATELY after the Anthony Weiner allegations came out that Jon Stewart said point blank on the show that he knew 100% that Weiner was innocent.

Bill Wilson refused money
Bill Wilson encouraged members to stay anonymous
Bill Wilson made rule #1 that every decision had to be made on a group level
Bill Wilson discouraged any form of proselytizing
Bill Wilson didn’t make his position known until after his death
Bill Wilson said that any two alcoholics meeting was a

Times sure have changed in 10 years, I remember almost identical guides in my Elle Girl and Girls Life magazines and there wasn’t any outrage.