
Even if the relationship is open, something is not right. Open relationships have rules. A quickie in the bathroom while your wife is sitting at a table with a bunch of your friends breaks most people’s rules. Having a relationship with a lifelong friend who also knows your wife is usually a no-no.

Fair enough.

True, I think Issa’s a hypocrite for telling Molly that she was so upset with Daniel because she wanted to show him “that he was special”. Umm, girl? He ain’t special if you JUST reminded him of his place on your Wheel’O’Hoes.

I think he should have taken the opportunity to have a real conversation with her (before this) about what happened between them, not nut in her face kind of accidentally/kind of on purpose. He walked it back because he cares about her. Caring about her is maybe not a good thing to do right now. She can’t handle it,

But Daniel saying “now we’re even,” no matter how lightly he meant it.....

But does this not lead us back to the same conclusion that messy folks are always going to spill tea?