Speaking of separating things, poor Candy needs a better bra. Hay, it’s not easy finding a good bra that fits right.
Speaking of separating things, poor Candy needs a better bra. Hay, it’s not easy finding a good bra that fits right.
Sorry for the typos. Posting on a kindle.
I love your posts. She is a fighter. OT how do I get out of the grays?
Except Bernie isn’t a democrat, never has been. The whole voting with their vagina is insulting and condescending. I support Hillary because she is a better candidate. If burnie gets it I’d vote for him
He wants to go home and consult his Jesus painting.
And? I too have quit a 25 year smoking habit my vaping. I now make my own zero nicotine liquid. But I quit smoking. Good for him.
Exactly. It isn’t enough that the big celebs make millions and are treated like royalty, we have to get excited because they get a silly statue?
He should be a full time caregiver for the person he put in a wheelchair. Feed him/her, empty bed pans go to physical therapy, etc. Mandatory A.A, speak at schools. Every dime he makes go to his victims. His parents need to be in jail . no question hes a monster, but one created by his parents.