Carol Patterson

I just had a discussion with a co-worker, regarding this video. What struck me, for different reasons than one might suspect, is the erroneous discussion on rape. A man might appear and drag you into the bushes. It’s typically a false assumption, but it’s instilled as a fear in girls.

Does it help to know that you are not alone. And that many of us know how you feel and stand with you, in spirit? I hope for you peace, and love. You are already very courageous.

That man has never made a woman orgasm.

I also felt really angry...It’s like a rage that has stayed with me. I don’t think you lose that. Nope, you sure don’t. I’ve been living with it for so many years.

Hey now. Don’t talk smack about CCR. Besides, I doubt someone like him would even be a fan of a band who’s classic is “Fortunate Son”. A classic song, about nepotism, and classism. But then again, the dolt probably just hears the kick-ass guitar intro, forgetting to actually listen to the message.

does that mean black people are going to get kicked out of bars (or perhaps Starbucks) for being democrats?

It’s a cult. Although interestingly we always talk about how even smart people can be tricked and brainwashed into becoming cult members but there don’t seem to be ANY smart MAGA cultists.

You’re already allowed to kick Democrats out of bars. Political affiliation isn’t a protected class. But you can’t target a specific race, so you couldn’t just kick out black Democrats. You’d have to kick out all Dems.

They really hate it when their whiteness is DENIED. :)

You sound fun.

I can’t speak for Northern Ireland (where the shoot took place) but it has been an EXCEPTIONALLY shit winter here. We even had snow last week, which is a rarity.

So while I’m positive that the entire Cleveland fanbase is not as vile as those in the video, it is, however, a fanbase in which fans can feel comfortable being publicly and unapologetically racist.

Cleveland deserves Dan Gilbert, the Browns organization, and never winning the World Series. I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for these shitty people or their shitty city.

As a Tribe fan, these people are the worst. I removed my Wahoo decals and started only buying gear without the Chief pretty much right after I went to opening day and saw those protesters. Literally the only argument I ever needed, and should ever be needed.

I hope LeBron James ditches Cleveland again and forever. I hope whoever they draft with the first pick in the NFL draft is a complete and total bust. I hope the Indians finish in last place.

Now that the Red Sox and both Chicago teams have won Series’ recently we really need a fun name for Cleveland’s struggles that’ll bring back some of that fun Billy Goat-Bambino stuff that Baseball’s so good at.

Uh, this is already bigger than the RedSox win. Pay attention.

I don’t care...that was fucking awesome!

Isn’t Cleveland the Cincinnati of the Midwest?

“But in truth, there is no curse more regrettable than becoming the Boston of the Midwest.”