Therese Belivet

did it? I guess I missed that. I thought the Lannister army was guarding them for transport.

If Bronn gets captured, he's definitely toast. I don't think Khaleesi will forgive anyone who has wounded her favorite dragon.

Seeing Arya spar with Brienne is something I never knew I needed until I saw this episode.

What made Bridesmaids a stand out for me is that behind all the silly gross out comedy, there is a real story behind it that I think every woman can relate to. As a woman, your female suppport group can be the most important part of your life. Annie didn't really reach rock bottom until she started to feel as if she

Episode 4 and my fav moment so far is when "Heart Attack of Love" played while Katie was in the car…I started getting into the series when that moment came on and then it was abruptly cut. I realised that what was bugging me a lot this season is that the pacing feels kinda awkward. Am I only one noticing this? I loved


of course, it's in Australia…

why did they communicate in that language in the first place? for efficiency?…or because they are talking about something that they don't want us to know about?

ooops! Thanks for pointing that out. It's already 5 am here, and I haven't slept. ;)

I don't think it was unreasonable for Dany to doubt the existence of white walkers. Come to think of it, why are the northern lords + Sansa suddenly on board with this? They haven't seen them..Did I miss a scene/episode where they agreed to fight the undead?

And I guess all the servents should follow the Cersei fashion line trademark hairstyle and clothing…

There was a theory that the three eyed raven is actually Bran…he sent the Raven to his young self so that he can grown and be the old three eyed Raven, creating a causal loop.

I wish Baelish will just go away now.

" I am not a Stark…."

Can the poison be really wiped away easily liked that? If Jaime suddenly drops dead, it's from Cersei's kiss. oops.

I am loving Dr. Samwell Tarly's adventures in the citadel. I bet those moldy scrolls were the forbidden ones about the Night's King.

I was hoping for more of an emotional reunion between Sansa and Bran, but I guess being a three eyed raven turns you to an emotionless robot?

Olenna tyrell, the queen of thorns, savage until the day she died

I guess this movie is 💩

Thank you, Ms. Foray.