Therese Belivet

This is everything that I've ever wanted and more. Thank you, Cate.

In the books, Jamie didn't come back for Cersei in King's Landing. He basically threw away Cersei's pleading letter for help. He's now AWOL. He might be a prisoner of lady stoneheart if I remember correctly.

Careless Whisper

First episode and no boobs/butts/intercourse but lots of turds…

I'm wondering how the book is going to turn out now. It's weird having to watching the first episode without any previous knowledge of what's going to happen next.

I live for more Sansa and Jon Snow interactions. They clearly respect each other, and I think both are being reasonable. The conflict feels more natural between mature siblings.

I love how smug Jamie looked when Cersei rejected the proposal. lol

Good: No Sandsnakes…
Bad: ….no, not yet…

I really doubt she'll be able to kill Cersei, though. My money is on Jamie.

Arya, Why the heck are you heading south?!?!?! Bran is back and this is the perfect time for a Stark reunion.

The casting for Euron was perfect! I saw a little bit of Alfie from him and I can totally believe that they were related

the scene with Ed Sheeran was awkward as heck…

Thanks! I like your pic; you're me from another dimension ;-)

Happy Birthday :)

thank you :)

thanks :)

It's my birthday, Federer had a new tennis record, and there's a female doctor! yey!

thanks :)


idk if anybody cares, but It's my birthday.