Therese Belivet

Rhaegar and Lyanna

Pinot Noir, you're a star
Listen to Tom Beren-gar
Pinot Noir, Roseanne Barr
Pinot Noir
Au revoir

First tear came when mamacita came back..still ugly crying when I read the review.

somebody watched the recent episode of feud before writing this article…

I don't have those thoughts anymore. Thank you for the concern :) It's just that when I watched that scene, it reminded me of the thought process, the planning, and when I was imagining what would happen if I went through with it. People assume that suicidal people do not consider the pain of doing the act..Therefore,

I watched the scene in youtube…as someone who used to have thoughts if doing the same thing, I don't think this show accomplished what it hoped to do…

Emo Cate Blanchett may be the sexiest thing to ever exist.



Wasn't there a simikar episode in the old Samurai Jack about the farting dragon? lol

Can this be featured in one of the seasons of Feud?

ooohhhhh!!! Interesting!!!!

from the Copacobana School of Dramatic Arts!!

Cersei Lannister

Based on a very popular R-rated Japanese animation…

One of my favorite thing in Fargo is that Marge, a pregnant woman, is a badass and one of the most competent policeman ever portrayed in film. We need more of this in cinema! definitely going to see this film!

Joanna Newsom's Ys. The most perfect album I have ever heard. I still get chills everytime I listen to it, but for a singular piece of music I can't listen to Astor Pazziola's Adios Nonino without shedding a tear. My favorite composition of all time.

Wait……people just don't connect their cucumbers to the good old egg beater???

If everything remained the same (along with the way the woman whisked the children away) except that the wife was white, I don't think the nanny assumption would have been made. I don't want to sound like a PC police or anything… I know that you are most likely a smart and good-natured human, but biases do exist and

Seriously though, that is just how Asian moms operate! It was extra funny to me, because I can totally envision my mom doing the same thing as she did