Therese Belivet

Any good books for a 10 year old boy? He liked "wonder" by RJ Palacio, but didn't like the Percy jackson series..

Spongebob was a big part of my childhood. I grew up mostly alone while my parents were away, working overseas. Spongebob's humor kept me smiling through the hard times..I wish Stephen and his family the strength to get through this. I owe him a lot :(

NOOOOO!!!!!! Rooney Mara was perfect as Salander…..

Hey guys, I was keeping an open mind about this new comments section thingy happening here, but it was a complete clusterf*ck when I tried to reply to somebody while on mobile. Also, it keeps on linking to the another's article's comment section. Hope this gets fixed soon.

I would watch the hell out of cherry grove if it was real

My little brother loves both Steven Universe and Adventure time. He's 10. Then again, I had a very interesting conversation with a banker once when he saw my pearl wallpaper. He completely flipped from being a straight-faced serious type to gushing over Steven Universe. He said "he watches it with his kids."

With a wife like Cobie Smulders, I don't think so…

hmmmm… they didn't say she was the nanny…

"Going out on a limb here to predict that Karev and Riggs’ fighting over the surgery is foreshadowing them fighting over Meredith."

I'm actually ok with the new format when using the PC. It's such a hassle when using the mobile though.

Cate Blanchett as Marissa Wiegler or GTFO.

In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth!

I am HELA excited for this.

Thank you, Leslie Knope

This has oscars written all over its nude body

It used to be Wiig doing the impressions. Now, they are impersonating Wiig. Everything comes full circle.

yes! i love to see more of the female bond in media. Female friendships are like hugs that warm my heart in this cold cruel world.

Tilda Swinton.

yey! I was looking forward to this..A good gritty superhero movie!

I still can't believe Isabelle Huppert sat through tourists and snacks falling from the ceiling to go home empty handed…