Therese Belivet

well, i don't know but i hope so…..

somehow cate blanchett herself is fulfilling my fantasy list… first carol, now this.

I FCKING LOVE JLD TONIGHT! She was amazing!…so horrible yet so magnetic…I can't think of anyone worthy of winning over her in the Emmy's specially after tonight. I'm gonna lose it if she loses because of that untaken picture with the clutch bag haha

somebody stop Snyder fast…

i love that rick and morty cameo lol

cool theory! or maybe sent to rescue jasper and let peridot be engulfed by the cluster…

chandler bing….perfectly personifies my reaction to everything


wait, there is still another one…steven floats!?

thanks. now it upsets me too :/

i got drunk for the first time. It was an eye opening experience.

There was a point in my life that I watched every movie in her filmograpghy because i loved her so much…it was worthwhile.

I don't know what is it about Karen but every time she is on, I lose my shit.

if they troll us again this time after all these…. i swear there is some stone cold vengeance in place…,

he didn't do that in the books and he has never cheated on cersei too

i called it last week after Brienne was sent to Riverrun. Now Jamie is finally freaking going to Riverrun were he belongs after that Dorne travesty…Hoping for some stone cold vengeance this season..

excuse my ineptitude, i forgot people of the internet talk like chandler bing.

nice point! and also even if the star wars prequels were *horrible*, it didn't take away how amazing the first 3 were…and didn't the fandom become more fun and stronger after that tragedy? i don't know about you but i have shared countless laughs about jarjar and hayden with my friends. 😂😂😂

are people actively campaining against this in the internet because they are afraid that it will do well so they want to ruin it for everybody and destroy the potential that somebody might actually enjoy it?

yup it wasn't up to quality so it simply disappeared, didn't even hear of it until i read some worst movie list.