Therese Belivet

This baffles me as a fan, because i obviously want to see more of the thing that i love. if it doesn't have the quality, the fans will simply ignore it and it will just be a blip in my memory like it never happened.

it becomes entitled when you rage over it all over the internet. it won't cost you if you just ignore it and let it pass.

the new star wars movie was really cleverly marketed. it was a reimagining of the new hope, the parallels are very clear but they didn't make it seem as such.

damn, Kent's talk of statistics always gets me…i could listen to him talk about standard deviations all day, damn.

1. why did bloodraven show bran that past in particular?
2. what happened after the children created the white walkers that made them turn against them?
3. so will theon take the place of victarion from the books?
4. what is bloodraven/bran's role? why do the children need them? why bran exactly?
5. how can greenseeers

i enjoyed it, it wasn't bad but it was more of a comfort viewing. there wasn't anything flashy. the enjoyable part of it was how the movie used science and the problem solving aspect of it. yeah, also i think the fact that i have no expectations at all let me enjoy the film so i don't how people telling you that you

out of all the nominations, i've only seen mad max and the martian. i really enjoyed mad max a lot more than the martian so i guess i would've chosen that film to swap for carol.

i watched Carol…and oh my…. i think i'm in love. The movie was seriously so beautiful. I understand now the controversy about the oscar snub.

last time i experienced pure joy like that…..i was a child..

pearl……what did you do?…

fair enough lol

I thought she emerged from the funeral pyre because blood magic involved. The other Targs aren't fire proof so what is so special about Dany?


game of thrones…a person that can occupy the mind of other animals

pearl was the closest one! she could've saved her but she realised she doesn't really care lol


so is this like the black swan but in the modelling world?….

you see if we can have this…it will be ghostbusters all over again :/

i just want to see some cold-blooded vengeance…is that too hard to ask!?!?!?!