Therese Belivet

birdperson :(

as an immigrant who moved very young, that scene wrecked me mostly because that scene never happened to me…my parents just sort of brushed off how miserable i was in my first few years…

damn this is just the trailer but i have watched it at least a dozen of times..

I freaking died when I saw Karen coming out of the airplane

noooo shaggydog!!! :( it's always tragic to me when stark dogs die. the only time i cried because of the show was when lady died.

i loved that episode too!!

Calzona was my favorite pairing in the show…. i hated what the show did to them :(

is it too late now to say sooorryyyy??

wait….was it 4 years ago since Girl of Fire???

fantastic four or every other reboot of your beloved superhero movies….

i think the trailer was bad…but that amount of backlash, really?!?!? there were far worse trailers than the ghostbusters reboot but did not generate this kind of hate….

sooo does this sorta confirm that theory about Ramsay killing Roose's actual first born in the books?

just let jacqueline and dierdre be together!

i feel like if this did happen in real life, people will bring out their smartphones and do the same…

U.S. entrants only. :(

nooooo…. i see him as another annoying fallon ugh …

Love, love is going to lead you by the hand
Into a white and soundless place
Now we see things as in a mirror dimly
Then we shall see each other face to face….<3

I'd rather have JLD have them than anyone from modern family..

yeah and they were all my favorite bits! i hope they make this happen the next season, voting for dierdre to return and get some.

that picture of dierdre and jacqueline is going to my "archives".